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Présentation de l'Unicef

TD : Présentation de l'Unicef. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  2 Mars 2023  •  TD  •  327 Mots (2 Pages)  •  278 Vues

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Caractérisation Unicef

Unicef is a public non-profit organization, it was created on December 11, 1946 by Ludwick Rajchman, it is an agency belonging to the UN, its legal status is an association law of 1901.Its nationality is American because its registered office is in New York. It has various resources, first of all material resources which are their premises which are distributed in several countries and its head office, she also has financial resources that are donations with which she helps children in need, contributions, funds amounting to 11 million euros and sales of products.It also has human resources that are their volunteers and employees (8000) who work for the company and finally it has intangible resources such as its website, its reputation, logo, the slogan « For all the children of the world » and brand image. Its field of action is international, it deals with various sectors such as health, nutrition, education, child protection, water, hygiene, sanitation, climate change and emergencies. Its aims are social, environmental and economic. It has 8,000 employees, so it’s a big company.


UNICEF, the United Nations Children’s Fund, was founded in 1946. He began his activities in Europe to help millions of children victims of the Second World War. L’Unicef (United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund) was established on 11 December 1946 with a three-year term, renewable only once. Upon taking office, Maurice Pate, the future Executive Director of UNICEF, said he would only accept his position on the express condition that UNICEF help all children. And whatever position the child’s country of origin took during the global conflict.

Important dates :

December, 11 1946 : Creation of Unicef

In the early 1950s : UNICEF’s work will gradually move from Europe to other continents

1953 : a permanent status within the United nation but will now have to raise his own funds

1989 : coincides with the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child


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