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Mytery in an eerie village

Dissertation : Mytery in an eerie village. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  3 Janvier 2024  •  Dissertation  •  438 Mots (2 Pages)  •  260 Vues

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WAY 1 :

Listen to the report on Kidlington and say what mystery the village has to face :

  1. □ an alien invasion                           □ a ghostly appearance                     the unexpected visit of many Chinese tourists

  1. a. These people are acting in a strange way. List weird things that they do, including these verbs :

walk down  /  sit down  /  get close-ups  /  look through  

Chinese tourists take pictures of people's flowers and houses

They walk by visiting the city

Ils regardent chez les gens

        b. Identify the reactions of the inhabitants.

People find it strange that tourists come to visit their city but they know that there are strange things

         c. Find the three explanations given by the journalist.

Journalists said the village was haunted because they found white traces of arrows on the ground as well as lines at the burglarised houses

Find the translations of the following words in the recording (and learn these words if necessary.)

un car

A bus

bizarre / curieux / étrange


deux fois par semaine

Twice a week

trace / piste

Trace/ track



manque / pénurie

étrange / bizarre

les alentours / environs


To bounce


WAY 2 :

  1. Read the article, then match each word with its synonym.

a) odd          b) pavement          c) gripped          d) burglar          e) break-in

1) intrusion          2) seized          3 sidewalk          4) strange          5) thief

  1. Fill in the following table


Possible explanations

  1. Explain : « Da Pinchi Code » (L.4)   The Da Vinci Code is a world-famous mystery thriller by Dan Brown (2003) « pinch » means « steal »

Video + text :

  1. Sum up the video in a few sentences.

  1. Give the journalist's explanation and say which one you find the most convincing.
  1. Explain the second mytery in the village.
  1. Compare the local people's reactions in both cases.


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