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Two Americans Died In An Avalanche

Documents Gratuits : Two Americans Died In An Avalanche. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  4 Avril 2015  •  236 Mots (1 Pages)  •  814 Vues

The article "two american skiers Die in Austria in avalanche" of the january, 5 2015 from the New York Times deals with an accident where two mens Die in avalanche. An avalanche is a rapid flow of snow down a sloping surface.

On a first part I'm going to speak about the événements of the article and and in a second part I shall speak about the purpose and what is denounced in the article.

On the 5 january of this year, Ronnie Berlack 20 year old And Bryce Astle 19 years old, two prospects from the United States ski team were killed in an avalanche in Austrian Alps on the site of world cup race. They where part of a group of 6 skiers, the other four skied out of the slide and escaped unhurt.

This article shows that when people says that it´s so dangerous to skiing, we have to respect the rule because on this situation Officials in the Tyrolean region said an avalanche alert had been declared for the area after days of heavy snowfall and mild temperatures. But ronnie and bryce didn't listen this advertisment and they died. Every years some people died in avalanche because people Forget that the nature is stronger than human.

To conclude The deaths of Astle and Berlack have left the United States ski team "in shock". They where passionate about their sport and their passion killed them.


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