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English monarchy

Mémoire : English monarchy. Recherche parmi 300 000+ dissertations

Par   •  14 Octobre 2024  •  Mémoire  •  360 Mots (2 Pages)  •  8 Vues

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a) A few essential points about Britain's system of government

1. Who is the head of state in the UK?

King Charles Ill = he is the head of state in the UK

2. Who is the head of government in the UK?

Prime Minister = his role is to be the head of government

Which house is the lower chamber in Parliament? Which house is the upper chamber in Parliament?

Parliament = the house of Commons (the lower chambre),

The house of lords (the upper chambre)

5. Why has 2024 been an important year in British politics?

2024 is an election year: a general election was held

The government is obliged by law to organise one

6. Which politician was elected prime minister? Who was his main rival for the job?

The Prime Minister = Kir Starmer (Labour Party) (people vote for party, and not a person)

His main rival = Rishi Sunak (Conservative Party)

7. How do you become prime minister? Who formally appoints the prime minister?

Officially it's the monarch who appoints the Prime Minister, King named the leader of the party The leader of the party that wins a majority of seats in Parliament at the election becomes Prime Minister.

8. What is the definition of a constitutional monarchy?

Constitutional monarchy = a system of government in which the head of state is a monarch whose power is shared with a constitutionally organized government.

9. Who is the head of state in a republic?

Republic = a head of state is a President and not a monarch, with more or less power.

b) The sovereign and the 3 branches of government

10. What are the three branches of government?

Three branch:

* executive branch = monarch has visible power of the majesty Government

* legislative branch (Parliament), the king have a role to play in this, they have to be approve by the king

* judicial branch = the Supreme Court and judges (the rose: England, Lenin plant for northland)

11. What signs in the executive branch are there that the UK is a monarchy?

Executive power =

The head of the government is know as his majesty’s government: the cabinet.

The sovereign Is head of the armed forces

The Sovereign appoints the Prime Minister and the Cabinet


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