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Sumary The Immigrant Charlie Chaplin

Résumé : Sumary The Immigrant Charlie Chaplin. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  9 Janvier 2023  •  Résumé  •  280 Mots (2 Pages)  •  346 Vues

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The Immigrant is a short film written, directed, and starring Charlie Chaplin. It was released in 1917 and tells the story of an immigrant who arrives in America and struggles to make a living.

The film opens with Chaplin's character, a poor immigrant, arriving in New York City by boat. He is immediately swindled by a man who sells him a cheap umbrella and a ticket to the wrong address. Despite his misfortune, the immigrant remains optimistic and continues on his journey.

He eventually finds himself on a crowded street, where he is picked on by a group of boys and harassed by a police officer. He manages to escape and finds himself at a restaurant, where he is refused service because he has no money. Just as he is about to leave, a well-dressed woman offers to pay for his meal.

The immigrant is grateful and sits down to eat, but the woman's date, a wealthy man, becomes jealous and starts a fight with the immigrant. The immigrant is able to fend off the man and the woman thanks him, offering to take him to her home.

At the woman's home, the immigrant is given a job as a waiter and becomes a hit with the guests, entertaining them with his antics. However, the woman's jealous boyfriend shows up and tries to cause trouble for the immigrant. In the end, the immigrant is able to outsmart the man and win the woman's heart.

The Immigrant is a classic Chaplin film that showcases his talent for physical comedy and his ability to create characters that are both funny and relatable. It is a humorous and heartwarming story of an immigrant's struggles and triumphs in America.


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