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Suite En Anglais De La Nouvelle "The Landlady" De Roald Dahl

Dissertations Gratuits : Suite En Anglais De La Nouvelle "The Landlady" De Roald Dahl. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  9 Mars 2014  •  208 Mots (1 Pages)  •  2 641 Vues

Roald Dahl – The Landlady

One evening , the Landlady invited Billy to his room. She was sitting in a big brown chair. She asked very politely if he wanted something to drink . The latter replied that he wanted nothing , he was tired and wanted to go to bed.

She opened the door and wished him a good night giving her a hand sign. Billy left the room and walked down the long corridor. He stopped, someone was following him. How was it possible... He was alone in the hotel this night... If someone was coming he would have heard the front door tracing. So if it was not him, it could be that... He turned... The Landlady !

She was standing there, she had followed her , she violently stabbed heart with an ax and cut off his head... The Landlady put Billy's head in the large fireplace in the lounge and watched impassively this funerary show...

She retrieved the skull Billy in the fireplace with a shovel she found in the closet and hung it on his bedroom wall, completing his macabre collection... She hid the remains of Billy's body under the mattress of a hotel's roon.

«It will be a surprise for the next guest...», she said


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