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Modèle de CV en anglais

Lettre type : Modèle de CV en anglais. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  28 Février 2017  •  Lettre type  •  777 Mots (4 Pages)  •  837 Vues

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16 rue Henon,Lyon | |

Jean Pierre

Etudiant en droit


I am currently in 3rd year of law at the University Lyon 3, I am looking for an internship in which I can express my competences in legal matters, especially in private and commercial law, I am a motivated and Serious, and very attentive I wish before all to improve my professional experience in English law and international law.


2014-2017                                           Licence 3 University Lyon 3 France.

                                                           Mention Private Law. Common Law Module:

                                                           Acquisition of the fundamental bases of French law and     knowledge of the precept of the English law

2011-2014                                          Baccalaureat Economic and Social:

                                                          Lycée Saint Exupery. Lyon. La France.

                                                          Acquisition of numerous bases in Economy, History,Geography        etc ....

Technical Skills

Proficient in:        Microsoft Word , Oppen office , Excel , Suite Adobe : Photoshop , Affter effect .

Intermediate level :        Creation, Modification of website


2011-2016: Employees on an open-ended contract at the 4th sports clothing store Arrondissement of Lyon.

During my professional experience I was able to acquire a great sense of responsibility, work

Team and courtesy to autruie, so I have acquired a great experience in the world

work .

My responsibilities: my job was to lead and control a cashier Ordered and methodical the articles in the shelves of the store, to make of the faccing to give the envy to the Customer to buy this product. To inform the customer and sell him products.

So I think I am able to work in Team indeed I have for 3 years directed a team of 5 cashier, In which I learned enormously about teamwork. Therefore I am the best qualified to Organize my work with my team members. I also acquired a great sense of Courtesy by welcoming and informing the various customers of the store. Having taken great responsibility for 5 years I am motivated to work within your company.

Other work Expérience

December 2015 - January 2016: part-time work in the Ministry of Finance Paris Bercy 75012

During this work I realize different administrative tasks such as courier sorting, answering the standar etc. This allowed me to empower my teamwork, coordination in my own work and to touch in a sensitive way to legal work.



Language :

-French native language

- English Speaking comprehension and writing in a common way.

- Ialien: Fundamental basis



5 years of Judo in which I learned endurance, and the motivation to Face an adversary what I now use daily in my work.


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