Modele De Cv En Anglais
Dissertation : Modele De Cv En Anglais. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar adrien987 • 30 Mars 2014 • 247 Mots (1 Pages) • 1 378 Vues
Personal details
Nationality: French
Date of birth: 27/07/1995
Address: 895 Rue Pasteur, Bethisy Saint Pierre, France
Tel: 0344395107/0681788238
Profile: I am 18 years old, determined, hard-working and mature undergraduate student in my first year of an international trade course
2013/2014 First year in international trade at the Guynemer Institution in Compiègne, France
The course includes the following: Strategic Management, Economics, International Accounting, E-commerce, Communication, foreign languages.
2012/2013 Baccalauréat: (Equivalent to A-Levels)
Main subjects: Economics, Mathematics, Computer Studies, History, Geography and Foreign Languages.
Professionnal Experience
2013/2014 Cashier for Lidl in Compiègne
Main objectives: To receive the customer / To organise
the shop (Decoration, to change the models…) / to sell
the products.
Languages: French: Mother tongue
English: First foreign language
German: Good Working knowledge
Software Familiarity Windows: Word, Excel, Access and PowerPoint
Frequent Internet user
Experienced in using databases and spreadsheets