Modele CV Australien
Rapports de Stage : Modele CV Australien. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar juanm • 19 Mars 2014 • 591 Mots (3 Pages) • 1 316 Vues
Curriculum Vitae
Fred Noname
Personal Details
Name: Fred Noname
Address: 123 Johnson Road
London SW18 1EF
United Kingdom
Home Phone: 020 666 6666
Mobile: 041 999 000
Date of Birth: 29 January 1963
Nationality: Dutch / British
(Applying for permanent residence to Australia)
Languages: Dutch (mother tongue)
English (fluent)
French and German (moderate)
Key Skills: * Technical (design) management
* Civil (hydraulic) engineering
* Quality management (ISO 9000 series)
* Computer literacy; Windows 95, Auto CAD,
* Project management
* Risk analysis
* Policy analysis
Employment History
April 1997-present AUSCO / Large river Engineering Upgrading Project United Kingdom
Position: Interim Project Manager
AUSCO is the dominant drainage contractor in the South Eastern region of the United Kingdom with an annual turnover of STG10 billion and annual net profits of STG2 billion. I have the position as project manager, responsible for all aspects of a four-year project to upgrade the storm water drainage for secondary contributories to the Thames River.
Key responsibilities:
Project comprises:
* large scale hydraulic research
* design and engineering
* contract preparations
March 1992-1997 Department for Drainage, The Netherlands
Position: Head of coastal Engineering Department
The Department of Drainage is the government authority that oversees and controls water and drainage matters in The Netherlands. I worked as Head of the Coastal engineering Department, responsible for the maintenance of the dyke and storm water embankment system throughout The Netherlands.
Key responsibilities:
* Head of a department of 17 people of the Bouwdienst Rijkswaterstaat, the engineering branch of the Ministry.
* Member of the management team of the hydraulic division of the “Bouwdienst”, the Government construction service.
* Responsible for the quality of people within the department including recruitment, human resources management and education.
* Contact with clients within several branches of the ministry.
July 1986-1992 Design and Construction Project (Principal’s Side)
Position: Head of design – “Storm surge Barrier in the Amsterdam Waterway”.
Primarily a design position, I was responsible for research and implementation of design improvements to the storm