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Malcoml Gladwell outliers

Dissertation : Malcoml Gladwell outliers. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  20 Novembre 2018  •  Dissertation  •  560 Mots (3 Pages)  •  323 Vues

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In societies, individuals are actively seeking to succeed and achieve their goals. According to many people, hard work, determination and perseverance seem to be essential for success. This last notion is nevertheless relative. Many factors, other than personal will and abilities, can affect a person's success. In this text, it will be question of demonstrating that the success results from a set of circumstances, with the help of the statements made by Malcolm Gladwell in his book entitled Outliers.

     First, several elements such as talent and work are essential to success. Since most individuals have a talent, it would be easy to believe that everyone has the possibility to succeed. However, according to Gladwell, the time spent perfecting a talent is one of the reasons for success. So to speak, the approximate number of hours to master his talent almost perfectly is 10,000 hours. However, many people have constraints and can not afford to use as much time to perfect themselves. Thus, Gladwell mentions a second important element: opportunities.

Talent and hard work are paramount, but to discover and develop a talent, you must also be surrounded by a community that encourages and creates opportunities to express your abilities. As Gladwell points out, opportunities and luck are often complementary. In the book, the author gives the example of Bill Gates who, in high school, was able to enjoy a new computer club and, in addition, have unlimited access to computers. This opportunity may seem trivial, but at the time of Gates, few people were so lucky. Thus, circumstances allowed this genius to discover his passion for computers. This leads to another important point in success: the timing.

According to Gladwell, to succeed, it's important to be in the right place at the right time. For example, it is about being born at a time when talent can be exploited to its fullest or respond to a specific need of society at a given moment. What is important, according to the author, is to know where and when to show his talent. In this way, the chances of success are greater.

     To continue, beyond the intelligence and abilities of a person, the family background is important. According to Gladwell, family type can affect success. In fact, children from affluent or affluent families are generally raised in a more structured setting where they are strongly encouraged to perform. These kids learn to manage their time and interact easily with others. For children from disadvantaged backgrounds, parents leave more freedom. Thus, children have a well-developed sense of autonomy, but they do not handle interpersonal relationships well. In this sense, an easy family situation improves attendance and increases the chances of success.

Also, the cultural legacie of an individual influences its success. Some people may be predisposed to share their opinions, impose their ideas, face authority and difficulties. However, there are cultures where individuals are more conservative. People are more low-profile and this can negatively influence their actions and interactions. Cultural legacies can influence how we act and therefore impact our success and the chances of success.

Finally, even though talent and determination have a role to play in success, there are several other determining factors. It is possible to question equality of opportunity since, in Gladwell's view, some people seem to be predisposed to success compared to others.


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