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Kafka Metamorphosis

Fiche de lecture : Kafka Metamorphosis. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  14 Décembre 2014  •  Fiche de lecture  •  1 244 Mots (5 Pages)  •  875 Vues

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Kafka is a writer and a major short story writer of XXth century. Born on July 3rd, 1883 in Prague, in Austria, he is the author of numerous major novels and short stories such as The Trial, The Castle and On The Bank. His writing is characterized by a nightmarish, sinister atmosphere, where the bureaucracy and the impersonal company have more and more grip on the individual.

Metamorphosis is one of his most big bosses of works. Published in 1915, this work joins in the new vision of the human being established by the works of Freud on the psychoanalysis.

The story begins with the awakening of the hero, Gregor Samsa in the family house. Son of a father in the unemployment, it is thanks to his work that he maintains her mother, his father as well as her sister.

Late for his work and vague, Gregor awakening thus transformed there a kind of beetle, " a monstrous insect ". Having tamed his new body, and with the attitude the most removed from the world, as for the situation, he manages finally to open the door of his room, leaving the representative of his employer ( the authorized agent) as well as his family, which, up to there, waited in front of the door, in the horror and the most total incomprehension. We bustle, we cry, and we are going to summon the doctor of the family. Due to his appearance and the ambient madness, nobody notices that in spite of his new body, Gregor still understand the used language. We cloister him or it in the room.

But her sister, taken by unhealthy pity, brought to him during the next two months, the adequate food. Gregor being from now on a monster which can not any more meet the needs for the family, the father thus decides to rent a part of their apartment to three tenants. But when these discover the monstrous brother in the locked room, they refuse to pay their rent and go away. It is finally when Gregor understand that his family thinks of killing him that he saves them this task by starving.

This writing, beyond appearances, is not at all that a simple piece of short story. Indeed, this paper, according to some, would be a rewriting of the Metamorphoses of Ovide according to the works of Freud on the psychoanalysis. But Freud thought that every neurosis originated in the complex of Œdipe, and this theory was not denied at the time of the writing of this work. What is the complex of Œdipe? This complex, peculiar to the human beings, embodies the fact that every boy; and from an early age; is physically attracted by her mother, and thus wants to annihilate what he considers as the only obstacle to the realization of his incestuous projects, his father. This complex is thus marked by the worship of the maternal archetype and the fact of pushed away the father. This complex is also present and known at the girl's, it bears then the name of Electra complex. These two complex problems for the growth and the blooming of the child is pushed away in the unconscious after 5 years. Thus let us pass in the analysis of the text.

We notice that in the exposure of the frame, the son of this family takes a very important place, it is him who allows his parents and her sister to find accommodation, to eat and thus to live, he has a central place. Contrary to his son, the father he seems to us brought down, unemployed and depressive. The mother as for her, is very present physically. The sister, at first, seems to be conscious of the opposition


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