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A Child Called ''It''

Commentaire d'oeuvre : A Child Called ''It''. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  2 Octobre 2021  •  Commentaire d'oeuvre  •  789 Mots (4 Pages)  •  511 Vues

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A child called “it”

After reading the novel “A child called “it”” by Dave Pelzer . I felt the need to give my reflexion about this book. The main subject is David getting abused mentally and physically by his mother every single day. You can see the evolution of how the treatments became worst while the time passes. In this text I’ll talk about how this affect me as, at how I perceive the different things that happen to David and more. To start, at school the personal doesn’t really teaches us what child abuse is. We mainly say it's getting hit and it’s kind of it, we don’t really know what it is, so I’ll describe it to you right now. Child abuse is basically divided in two categories: physical and mental. There is more but I want to focus on these ones right now. Physical abuse is hitting the person or doing them harm physically, by example hitting them, burning them or cutting them. Mental abuse can be used to make them believe things that aren’t truth or that are going against their believes. By example, yelling them harsh words and telling them that they should kill themselves (putting ideas in someone's head). Now what David’s mother was doing is called dehumanize him, she did this with help of physical and mental abuse. Dehumanize means that the person will literally lose his identity. He will become no one, not even a human being. At this point you understand what’s happening to David and where all this goes. I’ll now start talking about my point of view. I feel that this story really took out some inner rage and a lot sadness as well as shook that I had inside. Just the taut of knowing he was so young, and he couldn’t do anything about it hurts me. At such a young age the only things you think about its playing with your brothers and friends or getting a lot of love from your love ones, especially your mom and dad. He got treated so differently like if he did something to deserve it. I mean punish him if he did something wrong it’s fine but not this way. When you punish someone is to make them learn a lesson in the verbal way not physical like she did. The fact his own mom literally disowns him it breaks my heart. When she said, “You are a nobody, an It!” I felt so angry and sad at the same time, who has the audacity to say that to a child it’s just so sad. Another part that hurt me a lot was when David said “I began to give up on God. I felt that He must have hated me. What other reason could there be for a life like mine?” He got to the point where he starts to question his existence. It’s sad to see that and certainly on a child. One moment that my blood boiled up was when his mother told him to eat his brothers' poop. I fell that that punishment was too much like the other one of getting burn. It’s just terrifying to see how she couldn’t stop it’s like if it became and addiction to her as she was possessed. If I was at that time and see a kid getting abused like that I literally wouldn’t care about my job and I’ll do the best as I can to help the poor child. I would do that because you should always put yourself on the others person shoes. I’m really surprised that at the end of the novel he says “...And deliver me from evil. Amen “It means he still had hope, he has still something deep inside of him that keeps


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