Biography of Gandhi
Compte rendu : Biography of Gandhi. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Enzo Dcp • 3 Juin 2024 • Compte rendu • 357 Mots (2 Pages) • 173 Vues
He is born in porbandar in India is name is Mahandas Kanamchod. Is a very shy child, he rarely left his mother.
he is vegetarian family and his friend push it to eat meat but he dont like it because he lied to his family.
Older he smoke cigarettes withe money he stole from hris family at end he wrote a letter to seek father about it and he never smoke, lie and stole again.
Furthermore he read a book about peace and Sharvan Kumar and see a play about truth is equally important than god.
When his father is die, with his mother decided to go england for studies law , when is finish he go to south of africa for fight apartheid for 30 years
He fight for peace in Indian against Muslim and hindu and for cast name untouchable.
He was killed by ann opposant
Steve Jobs was born in 24/02/1955 in San Francisco.
He was abandoned and he was adopted by one couple of the working class.
His father is passionned by working on the car in his free time, which inspired Steve Jobs to handcraft.
Steve had difficult schooling in elementary school, but after he moved to another college.
After he going to university and give up 6 month after the start
2 mahatma gandhi
very shy child
moved rajkot
sharvan kumar
13 years maried
pray for pay and justice
quit india movement
teatcher called nelson
18 july nelson mandela day
He was born the 18 july 1918 in mvezo in South Africa his father is the leader of the tembu tribu and he die when Mandela had 12 years old .
His name is Rolihanda Mandela but in pamary school his teatcher called him Nelson.
He moove to Johannesburg to studying laws. He gets his diploma at 24 years old.
He dedicated his life to the eradication of discriminations and for equal right for everyone.
In 1944 he join ANC political group about equal right, after that he was sentence to life sentence because he create military group name uMkhonto weSizwe .
But he stay 27 year in jail, in 1990 is free.
1993 end of apartheid and nobel price
1994 possibility of vote for black people