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Le Sud de l’Afrique, d'une colonie à l’indépendance ( texte en anglais)

Mémoire : Le Sud de l’Afrique, d'une colonie à l’indépendance ( texte en anglais). Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  21 Mars 2013  •  875 Mots (4 Pages)  •  1 243 Vues

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South Africa became an official colony of the British Empire in 1815. In 1910, South Africa obtained their independent after two wars, with still some region under British domination. In 1930 all people had the right to vote, even women and black. But in 1936, the black were moved to a separated voters’ roll. Apartheid really started after the second World War, in 1948 when National Party won the election. It says until 1994, where Nelson Mandela won the election and became the First Black president of South Africa.

Apartheid was a system of racial segregation that was put in placed by the National Party, just after the second World War, in 1948. It gave a white supremacy to a minority of the population, the Afrikaner. In 1946, there was 7 800 000 black people and only 2 300 000 white. There was also, 1 000 000 colored men. Daniel Malan was the Chef of the National Party, and he became prime minister in 48, he was 74 year old. He wanted to keep the Afrikaner race pure, and so he created apartheid. When he came to power, he didn’t change lots of thing at the beginning. There were before him, a policy of segregation. To put apartheid in place, he had to defined who was black and who was white. So the population registration act was put in place in 1950. But there was a problem : “what about the coloured?”. They were mostly, not classified and left between the two category. The law of the population registration act, is very similaire to the law at Hitler passed, with the : “certificate d’aryanitée” . The couloured was a real problem, so in 49 a white could’t married a black and in 50 they could’t have even sex each other. If you don’t want people to have sex with each other, you have to separated them in the life of every day, it is why the Groupe Areas Act passed in 1950. If obligated black, white and coloured men to lived separately. Another time, this law is very similar to Nazi laws. The Native Laws Amendment is the definition of apartheid applied. The separated black and white, by prohibited black to go in the same bench, cinema, hospitals, toilets, cemeteries etc…

Rapidly, the first contestation arrived. When the ANC organized a “Freedom Day” and the government didn’t wanted this to happed again, so they passed a law who says that any opposing could be put in jail, just because he is disagreed with the government. The ANC defiance campaing, started in 52 and end in 53. All the 8065 men who had participated to this campaign were sent in jail, for a one to 3 weeks. The positive effect, is that the ANC membership shot up from 7000 to 100 000. The government, response was very hard. Shooting started, with the Massacre at Sharpeville. 56 africains were shoot by the police. Nelson Mandela was arrested after Sharpeville. In 53, he was already banded from attending public meetings and couldn’t leave Johannesburg. He was after found guilty in the trial of Rivonia, and was sentenced to life imprisonment. In the 70’s, black movement change speed. They became more violent, and started to do terrorist attack.

The government, didn’t want the black to rebel. So, they were given a very bad education. Black were 48 per class room, and white 20. This was the produce of the bantu Education Act. Also, 30% of black school didn’t have electricity and 25% have problem with water applied. In the 70’s, the government spend 10 time more on white education than on black. A last aspect


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