L'émergence du Parti national-socialiste en Allemagne en 1933-1939
Commentaire de texte : L'émergence du Parti national-socialiste en Allemagne en 1933-1939. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar chatncarlita • 4 Janvier 2015 • Commentaire de texte • 683 Mots (3 Pages) • 935 Vues
The rise of the National Socialist party in Germany 1933-1939, Explain the history and development of “The Heartland Theory » and suggest how this theory was adapted by the National Socialist party Germany?
The main issue of this essay is to determine the way in which the rise of the National Socialist party in Germany 1933-1939 had adopted the Heartland Theory. In recent decades, The Heartland Theory has been used part several the countries since before World War I and again nowadays. This theory had inspired the National Socialist party in Germany 1933-1939. Moreover, the Germany party has developed between the World War I and World War II.
This time has belonged to the branch of the German geopolitik. In this concept, it has been set up the German race, economic space and also the management of Third Reich by Adolf Hitler. This man has been very important in the German geopolitik because he had brought lot of modification in the Germany management. He has set up the new way to life and to think in his country but also in other European country. This time had been a clash of civilisation-style theorizing between people which lived in Germany. The German geopolitik has devastated several countries in Europe to establish its ideas of management. It wanted to manage the world and to control the opinion of the population .
First of all, it will be interesting to see in the first chapter the history and development of The Heathland Theory which has been use by many countries. Then, in the chapter 2, it will see the way whose the theory adapted by the National Socialist party in Germany during the time between 1933-1939. Also in this party it can be see the set-up which is important during this period. Also it can be seen how the government Germany set up this theory.
1- First paragraph: Explain the history and development why and how of the theory?
First of all, the Heartland Theory has been written by a British man Halford John Mackinder and published in 1904. It is an article which has reintroduced the concept of geopolitics to international. It was submitted to the Royale Geographical Society in a thesis with a name “the Geographical Pivot of History”. Halford John Mackinder had explained in the Heartland Theory the geopolitical analysis which encompassed the entire globe. The Heartland consisted of several countries as the Russia with the forms Soviet Republics of central Asia but also Ukraine and Mitteleuropa . This heartland Theory has regrouped almost all the worldwide.
Moroever, the Hearthland Theory had explained a clear idea which is "Who rules East Europe commands the Heartland; who rules the Heartland commands the World-Island; who rules the World-Island controls the world" . This means that a country controlled with an international politics the worldwide as in the situation with East Europe which has the power on the world.
1- Second paragraph: Adapted this theory by the National Socialist party Germany how and why?
First of all during the time between1933-1939 the National Socialist party Germany has adapted the Heartland theory for the management of its government. In Germany after the World War I the Germanics people has known