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Theme D'anglais Vivre Dans La Ville

Recherche de Documents : Theme D'anglais Vivre Dans La Ville. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  12 Février 2014  •  455 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 356 Vues

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Topic given: Some people prefer to live in small towns other in big cities.Which place do you prefer to live in?

My best friend whose name is Ilaria went to Study in the United States last year and the organization she go with, located her in Georgia, in the middle of nowhere. She told me that she really missed the facilities of a big, populated city as Milan is.Weather live in big cities is better than live in small towns is a controversial question. Some people believe that it’s impossible to forget about all the large amount of services a citizen can join in a Metropoly; others support the ideas that it is completely useless and hateful live between pollution,skyscraper and traffic light. Before I decide which position I support I would like to examine both point of view in more detail.

I live in one of the biggest city of Italy and I perfectively know positive and negative side of it.The debate given is the preferred debate of my parents.

My mother support the idea of living in big cities can offer you enormous possibilities. First, as she always says, any little town can give you a more less amount of work than a bigger one can give you. Secondly the dynamic society can hand you out different perspectives that you can join in a lot of situation during your life. Third, Facilities offered definitively help you to live better and to have more variety on your life. She perfectively got the point of the friend of mine I have talked before and she said to Ilaria that she would have changed city as soon as possible.

My Father always says that the points my mother gives are only a sort of whim. His thesis supports that the pollution, the traffic, the extreme fastness of metropolis are very destructive for human life. Further he answers to my mother’s other points saying that, first in small communities you don’t have competitors and that make your work easier and more profitable, secondly it’s more easy to meet real friends there and learn about real traditions; factors that are definitively more important to rich happiness and built a remarkable personal background than dynamic society and stupid facilities can do.

In conclusion, for all the reasons I have heard thousands and thousands of times by my parents and I have report you, I realize and I can conclude that live in big cities is preferable and I’m happy to live here, however take a break and go living in small villages during week ends or during a longer period of life as Ilaria did could be an unforgettable experience and it has never hurt someone.


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