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Réponse de voir géo (20 questions)

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Par   •  20 Avril 2019  •  TD  •  1 155 Mots (5 Pages)  •  454 Vues

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Name:                BOUZENDORFF                                                        Date: 16/02

Last Name: NICOLAS


Blood Diamond and “From Mine to Phone”

1. Why are blood diamonds called blood diamonds?

‘’Blood diamonds’’ are the Diamonds which coming from lands controlled by militaries or illegal

Factions. These are extracted illegally by forced worked and are sold to finance civil wars/conflicts.

We also call them ‘’conflict diamonds’’

2. What is the Kimberley Process?

The KP started in May 2000 to find solutions to stop these conflict diamonds by tracking and

Making sure that the sell of diamonds would not serve of buying weapons to rebel movements.

Actually, there are 54 participants representing 81 countries. The KP entered into force in 2003,

When participating countries started to implement its rules

3. Does Belgium insist on “conflict-free” diamond certificates? (do some research)

Yes, Belgium was one of the first countries who sign the Kimberley Process. Belgium is trying to

trade only diamonds who are Identified has good (not coming from conflicts). It is very regulated and verified.

4. Do you think diamond companies Like DeBeers want the trade in conflict diamond stopped? Why?

I don’t really thing because even if they are saying they want the conflict stopped to have a nice

Image (reputation), they will prefer buying diamonds at a cheaper price and the conflicts

are making the price of the diamond decrease. Companies like DeBeers can make better profits

With conflict diamond. (like we have seen in the film, the buyer wanted the diamond of the poor

Man and at a cheaper price to tricked him)

5. What methods were used to turn children into child soldiers?

All the children soldiers are indoctrinated. For this purpose, the children are hit constantly and

‘’ordered not to cry’’ because they are ‘’big boy’’. They are wearing weapons and trained to kill.

children are easy to manipulate because their moral and value systems are not yet fully formed.

Sometimes, children are given drugs to be manipulate easier

6. Do you think many wars would stop if the trade in blood diamonds ended?

Yes because at first, the money coming from the sell of diamonds would not exist anymore so it

Would be more difficult to buy weapons, pay soldier ect… But this is impossible to happen because

There will always have people who wants diamonds at a cheaper price and so will buy to these


7. When Danny talks to Benjamin, the schoolteacher, Benjamin says that he wants to believe all people are basically good, but his experience tells him otherwise. Danny replies that people are just people. What do you think he means by this statement?

He wanted to say that everyone is the same, equal. He said that the son of Solomon was good and

It’s only the factions who introduce him as a bad person by learning him how to kill, shoot,…

He wanted to say that everybody is good inside but some people tend to be bad because of other


8.  Through diplomacy, UN peacekeeping forces and the international community played an important role in ending the civil war in Sierra Leone. What is the responsibility of the international community to intervene in countries such as Congo? When, if ever, is intervention justified, and who decides?

When a country can not protect his population the UN can have an intervention in it if there is a  

Favorable vote. There is a reunion of all the members of UN and a vote is made. Some countries

Have a right of ‘’veto’’ which means they can say no and nothing would be applied even if majority

Say yes. The UN and international company have the responsibility of protect the population of

and the sake of the country if it can do himself

And the UN have the responsibility if an international law isn’t applied in one of the countries.

They can interfere and send armies (casques bleus) who come all over the world.

9. How does the current demand for new cell phones and computers in the United States affect both conflict and mining practices in the DRC?

Because our phones are composed of precious minerals we have difficult to find in our countries

And DRC is one of the countries who have the most of these precious minerals. So, USA’ people

Who wants new phones and computers needs these materials such as colt, gold,… to have their

Electronics have effects on the brands who sell it because they are going to search minerals on DRC

For a cheaper price and a bigger quantity. It is closely linked.

10. What is the “resource curse”?


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