Economie pauvreté dans le monde
TD : Economie pauvreté dans le monde. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar eleonorecrocq • 18 Octobre 2015 • TD • 666 Mots (3 Pages) • 702 Vues
CROCQ Eléonore
This document is entitled « Background ».
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It focuses on that students graduating from UK universities have more and more difficulty finding work in their competence.
On the one hand I will present this phenomenon and on the other hand I will explain this phenomen with a testimony of Suzanne Warwick and finaly the possible solutions about this phenomenon.
On the one hand I will present this phenomenon:
We know that this year students looking for a job will be on a very difficult market. Indeed, with the financial crisis of 2008, the qualified job at significantly decreased. We have an example, the construction environment and accounting are the most affected sectors.
Moreover we can understand these young people to study because they have mortgages; and to pay they must have a skilled work.
On the other hand, I will explain this phenomenon with a testimony of Suzanne Warwick:
She graduated in 2009 at the University of Swansea.
She worked in human resources in a company but she was fired two months ago because she was the latest arrival in this compagny.
Now she lookinf for a job anywhere, temping agencies, a part-time job, but nobody is interested of her. She is unemployed even if she has a qualified gratuate and she has competence.
We understand that it is very complicated for these young graduates to find a qualified work. Suzanne is not the only people, one million unemployed are young people under 25 years: This is a disastrous situation that will not improve.
Finaly, the possible solutions of this phenomenon.
According to John St urgess, a university Careers Advisor proposed that these young graduates accept less skilled jobs, like working in a supermarket, a bar. For him, it's better than not having a job. It also proposes that they work as an internship to have a experience and for have a better CV compared to the competition.
The government also offers his help (because after telling young people to study),to find work experience and also gives grants to students who want to do post-graduate qualifications.
It is also necessary today to study in a sector who have jobs, not to do in social science but in the right for example.
Students must be to succeed in the best university: it's an advantage.
We can conclude that this is a worrying phenomenon. These young people are studying but they haven't a qualified job after. We see that young people want to study, there is competition for the places at university even though there are less and less places in universities. In my view, les solutions are a short-term : It is not enough.