Comment la Chine est-elle devenue un pays économique et politique majeur dans le monde?
Lettre type : Comment la Chine est-elle devenue un pays économique et politique majeur dans le monde?. Recherche parmi 302 000+ dissertationsPar dissertation • 10 Janvier 2014 • Lettre type • 469 Mots (2 Pages) • 1 247 Vues
How China became a major economic and political in the world?
Which are the main stages that allowed this integration?
October 10th 1911, been born the nationalist party. The foundation of this party marks the end of the dynasty Qing and any imperial existing regime during two thousand years.
In 1921, a group of partisans creates the communist party, that is to say a society without class, this group is influenced by Karl Marx's papers, German philosopher.
In 1925, a civil war makes a commitment: the nationalists against the communists. Indeed every group wants that his visions win
After 3 years of fights, Mao Zedong proclaims on October 1st 1949 the foundation of People's Republic of China. He was a statesman, a Chinese military leader and it was one of the members of the communist party
Between 1966-1976 there is a cultural revolution: endeend Mao Zedong tries to destroy all what calls reminds the past for example customs, books
On September 9th 1976, Mao dies
China begins a politics said "open door" that is to say that china opens to international business and tries to modernize his economy.
Today China an political and economical power in the world.
Today, China is the biggest nation in the world with a billion inhabitants. despite, they live in countrysides, cities as Beijing and Shanghai are expanding.
In 1997, China wins Great Britain, so the very rich island of Hong-Kong belongs to China. Today, its purpose is to expand its economy and to continue to get modernized.
Empire Qin:
• Exposed to barbaric invasions northwest because of its placement
• Thanks to mountains, there were few attacks
• Unification of the people thanks to the respect of rites. So they can do war
• Shag Yang do reforms to conquer all of eastern kingdoms
• Yin Zheng: first emperor during once years
• Collapse of the empire Qin, after the civil war so there was creation of a other empire
Empire Song and Jin:
• 960: the empire takes its power on a big part of china
• 1115: success of empire Jin
• A time of great technologic advancements
1er République:
• Struggle between the communism and the nationalism
• To fight the Japanese
• The Civil war began back again
• President Nationalist struggle against the Red Army of Mao Zedong
République populair de la chine:
• Mao Zedong