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Comment la Chine est-elle devenue un pays économique et politique majeur dans le monde?

Lettre type : Comment la Chine est-elle devenue un pays économique et politique majeur dans le monde?. Recherche parmi 302 000+ dissertations

Par   •  10 Janvier 2014  •  Lettre type  •  469 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 247 Vues

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How China became a major economic and political in the world?

Which are the main stages that allowed this integration?

 October 10th 1911, been born the nationalist party. The foundation of this party marks the end of the dynasty Qing and any imperial existing regime during two thousand years.

 In 1921, a group of partisans creates the communist party, that is to say a society without class, this group is influenced by Karl Marx's papers, German philosopher.

 In 1925, a civil war makes a commitment: the nationalists against the communists. Indeed every group wants that his visions win

 After 3 years of fights, Mao Zedong proclaims on October 1st 1949 the foundation of People's Republic of China. He was a statesman, a Chinese military leader and it was one of the members of the communist party

 Between 1966-1976 there is a cultural revolution: endeend Mao Zedong tries to destroy all what calls reminds the past for example customs, books

 On September 9th 1976, Mao dies

 China begins a politics said "open door" that is to say that china opens to international business and tries to modernize his economy.

 Today China an political and economical power in the world.

Today, China is the biggest nation in the world with a billion inhabitants. despite, they live in countrysides, cities as Beijing and Shanghai are expanding.

In 1997, China wins Great Britain, so the very rich island of Hong-Kong belongs to China. Today, its purpose is to expand its economy and to continue to get modernized.

Empire Qin:

• Exposed to barbaric invasions northwest because of its placement

• Thanks to mountains, there were few attacks

• Unification of the people thanks to the respect of rites. So they can do war

• Shag Yang do reforms to conquer all of eastern kingdoms

• Yin Zheng: first emperor during once years

• Collapse of the empire Qin, after the civil war so there was creation of a other empire

Empire Song and Jin:

• 960: the empire takes its power on a big part of china

• 1115: success of empire Jin

• A time of great technologic advancements

1er République:

• Struggle between the communism and the nationalism

• To fight the Japanese

• The Civil war began back again

• President Nationalist struggle against the Red Army of Mao Zedong

République populair de la chine:

• Mao Zedong


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