Note De Civilisation America
Mémoires Gratuits : Note De Civilisation America. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar aph749 • 20 Juin 2013 • 2 368 Mots (10 Pages) • 783 Vues
I/ The affluent society
A/ The United States: the leader of the world
-Liberal = In favor of reforms
Help to the poor
-1960’s = America confident in cultural, poltical, economical power
Optimistic minds
-End of WW2 shows USA power: USA = World Power
Technical: Nuclear bomb
Political:defeat of Nazi, Democracy
Economical: end of the depression (krash) thanks to a war economy
Culture: European artists flee to the USA = New York becomes the cultural and artistic capital in place of Paris
USA = J.K. Galbraith’s “Affluent Society”
B/ Consumerism and suburbanisation
-Economic expansion lasts 20 years
Creation of a middle class
-Income increases by 40%
Richest period
-Middle class people buy appliances, cars...etc
Market, fashion, technology increase
-New middle class buy houses in suburbs
They move out of the city (=corruption)
Confort, hygiene, space
Suburbs have assets of the city close by and calm countryside
From 1945 to 1960, 36M to 68M in 15 years
They buy preconstructed housing, they strat as a collectivity but turn into individual houses
-Middle class keeps buying
Support the Market
Gain of condidence = defend their own values
-1950’s: Population becomes restless
Southern populations are not happy (minorities)
Women are not satisfied (contrary to the American mystic)
Senator McCarthy’s witch-hunt against communists
Farmers stay poor throughout the whole economic prosperity of the country
Growing Restlessness
-1960’s:General Eisenhower president for 2 terms already, represents USA’s Grandfather but Americans want change
They elect Young republican JFK: Hnadsome, young, good image (“Let’s get America moving again!”)
JFK represents a new decade
II/ Liberal reform
A/ Lyndon B. Johnson’s « Great Society »
-Inaugural adress = Speech made in public, ceremony in which the President “takes into office” when swearing oath on the bible. He then expresses his future plans for the country.
-JFK’s new program: “New frontier” (to push back limits)
-Weak domestic policy:
JFK gets proposals rejected
Democratic party conflict (concening the liberal reforms) = African americans
-JFK assassinated in Dallas in 1963
Lots of opposition in the south due to his catholic religion and Africans americans debate
-Vice president Lyndon Banes Johnson
Home state is Texas, where JFK assassinated (bad for reputation)
Experienced politician
Man from the south so understading of South’s prejudice
-Start of the presidential campaign 6 months later :
Use Kennedy’s death to his benefit
B/ The debate on liberal reform
-1964: Speech at the Michigan University where he presents his ambitious program:The Great Society
Erase poverty: Medicaid for the poor, Medicare for the elderly disabled
According to “The other American” by M.Harrington, 25% of the pop in need of assisstance
Education: “Head Start”
-Program critisized by the unsatisfied Radical left and the Conservative opposition.
-Minorities feel self reliant and deny the help provided by the program
-Although the succes in the GS program, resident Johnson is caught up in the Vietam War
Americans declared their independence on 4th July 1776 in the Decoration of Independence in which they state that they are 13 free and independent states
I/ Background of the Constitution
A/ English political tradition
-Constitution inspired by England (concepts and principles)
-John Locke’s theory of Natural Rights
Rights come from God: We are born with them and they cnnot be denied
3 Main rights: Life, Liberty, Pursuit of Happiness
B/ Colonial experience
-Influence b their coloized stats in the past
-Pilgrim Fathers wrote “Mayflower Compact” about government with the consent of the governed = Democracy
-Separation of powar during the colonial period:
Executive branch = Governor
Legislative branch = Assemblies
Judicial branch = Courts
-The separation of powers between England and USA gave birth to Federation in