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Cours : Deforestation. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  19 Décembre 2017  •  Cours  •  505 Mots (3 Pages)  •  547 Vues

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Forests cover 31% of the land area on our planet and provide vital oxygen for us.

Getting rid of them would be a really bad thing and that is exactly what is happening today.

Deforestation means the felling and clearing of forest cover or tree plantations in order to accommodate agricultural, industrial or urban use. 

Why is deforestation happening ?

  1. Agricultural activities are one of the major factors affecting deforestation. As the population keeps growing, demand for food products grows too and huge amount of trees are cut down to grow crops.

  1. Logging is occuring due to the growing demand for wood products. For exemple, wood based industries like paper, match-sticks or furniture need a substantial amount of wood supply and thefore, the most valuable trees are getting cut down to reach the demand needed.
  1. In order to gain access to these forests, the construction of roads are undertaken; here again trees are chopped to create roads. Overpopulation too directly affects forest covers, as with the expansion of cities more land is needed to establish housing and settlements. Therefore forest land is reclaimed.
  1. Desertification of land occurs due to land abuse making it unfit for growth of trees. Many industries in petrochemicals release their waste into rivers which results in soil erosion and make it unfit to grow plants and trees.
  1. Oil and coal mining require considerable amount of forest land. Apart from this, roads and highways have to be built to make way for trucks and other equipment. The waste that comes out from mining pollutes the environment and affects the nearby species.

What are the concequences of deforestation ?

  1. Trees play a major role in controlling global warming The trees utilize the green house gases restoring the balance in the atmosphere. With constant deforestation the ratio of green house gases in the atmosphere has increased, adding to our global warming woes.
  2. Also due to the shade of trees the soil remains moist. With the clearance of tree cover, the soil is directly exposed to the sun, making it dry.
  3. When it rains, trees absorb and store large amount of water with the help of their roots. When they are cut down, the flow of water is disrupted and leads to floods in some areas and droughts in other. 
  4. Due to massive felling down of trees, various species of animals are lost. They lose their habitat and forced to move to new location. Some of them are even pushed to extinction. Our world has lost so many species of plants and animals in last couple of decades.

Solutions ?

  1. Corporations can implement anti deforestation policies that require suppliers to operate in ways that do not harm the environment.
  2. The cutting down of trees must be countered by replacing old one that were cut with young ones.
  3. Governments have the resources to allow anti deforestation organisation. This is a good way to indirectly solve deforestaion.
  4. As individuals, we can recycle, go paperless or educate others of the need to fight deforestation.


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