Le journalisme jaune ou l'implication des américains dans le conflit entre l'Espagne et Cuba
Commentaire d'oeuvre : Le journalisme jaune ou l'implication des américains dans le conflit entre l'Espagne et Cuba. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar carlabrunoti • 5 Janvier 2025 • Commentaire d'oeuvre • 357 Mots (2 Pages) • 898 Vues
1. Does the creator of this cartoon think the United States should get involved in
the conflict between Cuba and Spain?
The creator of this cartoon seems to think that the United States should get involved in the conflict
between Cuba and Spain, and support the Cubans in their quest for independence. Indeed, this
image taken from the Minneapolis Journal features three characters holding hands and united under
the American flag they proudly brandish : in the center, a white man wearing a hat with the inscription
“CUBA” represents the Cubans, while the others, a black man in a loincloth marked “HAWAII” and
another with “PHILIPPINES”, represent the Hawaiians and Filipinos respectively. In fact, it's above all
the phrases written at the bottom of the drawing that bear witness to the author's intent; these
proclaim “Hurrah for the fourth of July! We're coming in on independence day celebrations, too.” This
date refers to July 4, 1776, when the Americans declared their independence and formed the United
States, suggesting that the characters in the cartoon are now part of the United States and also
celebrate this date.
2. Based on what you learned in the lesson, what is the cartoon saying about the
The cartoon depicts the Spanish-American War as a just and moral cause, underlining the bond
between Americans and Cubans aspiring to freedom in the face of Spanish repression, which
resulted in the deaths of 200,000 Cubans. It celebrates the idea of the United States acting as
liberators, bringing independence and freedom to oppressed nations like Cuba, Hawaii and the
Philippines; by evoking the date July 4, 1776, the cartoon reminds Americans of their own struggles
for independence and their core values. Using powerful images and patriotic phrases, this cartoon is
part of “yellow journalism”, reinforcing the idea of an American civilizing mission while helping to
forge a heroic image of the United States in the context of war.
3. After seeing this cartoon, how would you feel about the war as an American?
As an American seeing this cartoon, I would feel pride and patriotism. The image gives the
impression that participating in war is a noble act in defense of the fundamental values of
independence and freedom. It encourages support for military intervention by presenting it as an
altruistic act.