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Devoir 1 anglais CNED

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                        DEVOIR 1 ANGLAIS

1) Cet article traite de l’accroissement des étudiants-stagiaires non rémunérés.

This article deals with the growth of unpaid student-trainee cases.


En effet, d’après cet article, de nombreuses études et enquêtes ont montré cet accroissement de stages non rémunérés au sein des entreprises américaines.

Indeed, according to this article, new studies and investigations have shown this increase of unpaid internships within American companies

2) Face à l’augmentation des cas d’étudiants-stagiaires non rémunérés, les autorités publiques ont commencé à prendre des mesures.

Faced with the increase in unpaid student-intern cases, public authorities have begun to take action.


Oui en effet, les autorités ont commencé des enquêtes et ont imposés des amendes aux employeurs

Yes, the authorities have started investigations and have imposed fines on employers

3) De plus en plus d’étudiants-stagiaires témoignent et portent plainte officiellement

More and more intern students testify and officially file a complaint


Au contraire, les stagiaires ont peur de déposer une plainte pour ne pas être considérés comme des décideurs et mettre en danger leurs chances d'obtenir un emploi

On the contrary, the interns are afraid to file a complaint for not to be considered as trouble-makers and endangering their chances of getting a job or endangering their chances with a potential employer.

4) Les lois sur le travail sont faites de telle sorte qu'elles autorisent, dans de nombreux cas, la non-rémunération des stagiaires

Labor laws are made in such a way that they allow, in many cases, non-remuneration for interns


Pour pouvoir employer des stagiaires sans les rémunérer, il faut respecter six critères juridiques fédéraux.

En effet, les stages devraient être semblables à ceux d'une école professionnelle ou d'un établissement d'enseignement et que le stagiaire ne remplace pas les travailleurs réguliers rémunérés et que l'employeur ne tire pas un avantage immédiat des activités du stagiaire

To be able to employ interns without paying them, six federal legal criteria must be respected.

Indeed,one of them, is that the internships should be similar to the training given in a vocational school or academic institution and that the intern does not displace regular paid workers and that the employer derives not immediate advantage from the intern's activities

5) Cette situation aggrave les inégalités sociales entre les étudiants.

This situation aggravates social inequalities between students.


En effet, de nombreux étudiants ne peuvent se permettre de passer des étés dans des stages non rémunérés. Ils doivent gagner de l'argent pour s'aider financièrement ou aider leurs familles.

De plus, souvent les étudiants issus de famille plus riche accèdent plus facilement à des stages prestigieux

Indeed, many students cannot afford to spend summers in unpaid internships. They must earn money to help themselves or their families.

In addition, students from a richer family often have easier access to prestigious internships

Main d’oeuvre gratuite = free labor

Commander une enquête sur = ordered investigations

CV = résumés

(Largement) répandu =  widespread

Répondre, être conforme : in compliance

Travail non qualifié = unskilled work

Etudiants aisés = well-to-do

Etudiants au revenu plus modeste = less-afluent students

Harcèlement = harassment

This document entitled « Labor officials scrutinize a rise in unpaid interns » is a press article from the New York Times published in 6 April 2010 and written by Steven Greenhouse.

This article describes a very disturbing phenomenon that develops from years to years in the United States. The opening of jobs for young people being scarce, it brings young people into competition to have the most experience to indicate on their resumes and thus increase their chances of getting a future job. This requires internships within companies. Some employers are well aware of this race to "experience", and so they don’t hesitate to take advantage of it and employ interns without paying them, although this is illegal in the majority of cases.

The US authorities responsible for enforcing the labor code are worried about this phenomenon which are growing and ordered investigations. Some employers will receive fines, but most of these violations will continue and remain unpunished.

This is due to the fact that the interns don't want to file a complaint or even give the names of their employers for not to be considered as trouble-makers and so compromise their chances of obtaining a future job.

Moreover, many students report that they were employed to do menial work and are victims of abuse because they don’t are protected by the labor discrimination laws.


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