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Anglais fiche de revision les subordonnées de temps

Compte rendu : Anglais fiche de revision les subordonnées de temps. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  5 Décembre 2021  •  Compte rendu  •  293 Mots (2 Pages)  •  496 Vues

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Les subordonnées de temps

When Saroo was growing up in Hobart, he had a map of India on my bedroom wall.

While Saroo was staring at the map, he was dreaming about his country.

As soon as Saroo started to master English, he explained that he didn’t come from Calcutta.

Long before he could read the names on the map, he knew that the immense V of the Indian subcontinent was a place teeming with cities and towns, with deserts and mountains, rivers and forests.

He was sent to an orphanage after being found in the street.

Dans un récit au passé, pour lier dans le temps les actions formulées par les verbes on utilise des marqueurs temporels. Ces marqueurs temporels introduisent des subordonnées de temps

While exprime une simultanéité (pendant que) et est généralement suivi d’une forme en –ing

As soon as marque le début d’une action (dès que) et est généralement suivi d’une forme simple.

Before marque une action antérieure (avant que)

After marque une action postérieure (après que)

Your turn

1. Complète les énoncés suivants avec « while », « as soon as », « before » ou « after »

a. As soon as he heard the whistle, he jumped onto the trin.

b. Indian railways were nationalised after India became independent.

c. Before India became independent, it was under British rule.

d. She was buying some food while I was looking for my ticket

2. Traduis les phrases suivantes

a. He tried to get into a commuter before he realised it was too crowded.

b. While he was running, he stumbled on a suitcase.

c. When he arrived, the train was leaving.

d. As soon as the train left the station, people started to eat their food.

e. After spending 3 hours in a hot broken train without food, he was happy when he finally managed to eat and drink.


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