Anglais , commentaire composé Sonnet 130
Cours : Anglais , commentaire composé Sonnet 130. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Ahri Kitsune • 17 Novembre 2019 • Cours • 344 Mots (2 Pages) • 1 317 Vues
Commentaire Composé Sonnet 130
William Shakespeare was probably the most famous poet and playwright in English Litterature , ha was born in Startford-upon-Avon on 26 April 1564 and died at same place on 23 april 1616.He wrote around 38plays,two longs narrative poems,verses and about 154 sonnets,his play have been translated into a lot of languages and performed a lot (exemple : Roméo and Juliet).The sonnet that we will analyze is the Sonnet 130, a very unusual poem because the woman isn’t showed as perfect but the poem is focusing on the loved woman’s flaw (by comparing her to the Perfect nature ) .In fact , this poem break the rules of convention to mock the writers who were sticking to the rules (Petrarchan ideals). Due to this , we can ask ourselves , How did the author represent love in this poem? To answer to this question , we will ,at first explain the poet’s point of view of love and how he convey his ideas.Afterwards, we will focus on the manners used by the author to show that words and conventions are not reliable.
To begin, we can notice that there are many figures of speech in this poem, The main figures are alliteration(when words begin with same consonant are close ). Alliteration is present at lines 1(my mistress) 3(white),4(wires),5(red and roses)… This figure of speech emphasis the feeling of love and make it more intense.Moreover, an Assonance is also present a lot in this poem , for example in line 1 “my ,eyes ,like” or in line 2 “coral,more”… (at lines 1 ,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,13) .This figure of speech make the sentence more easy to learn (like a song) it also grab reader’s attention.Another stylistic device is the simily (comparaison) in fact , in the Sonnet 130 , the woman is compared to nature for example , in the first line “My mistress’eyes are nothing like the sun;” the principal theme of this poem is the comparaison between the woman’s body and nature ,