Rendre compte d’un document à l’oral
Cours : Rendre compte d’un document à l’oral. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Robin Lachant • 14 Février 2017 • Cours • 772 Mots (4 Pages) • 1 182 Vues
Rendre compte d’un document à l’oral
- Introduce the document
Mentionnez la nature du document :
- A text : an article from ( a newspaper/ a magazine)/ part of an article( entitled…), (written by…)
- A visual (peut par exemple illustrer un article)
A magazine cover/ a graph/ a (fashion/ sports…) photograph= a picture
An advertisement= an advert= an ad
A (pie-) chart (un camembert) / a diagram…
- a video or recording :
This document is a recording taken from…
This document is taken from a news bulletin which was broadcast on a TV channel (si possible, donnez le nom: CBS/BBC/ VOA (Voice Of America)
This document is a report taken from a news program broadcast on … (date)
This document is an interview with…
Mentionnez l’origine:
This document is taken FROM…./ was published in…./ comes from….
This is an article from…..
Mentionnez la date lorsqu’elle apparaît:
It dates back to October 2008/ the 90s(nineties)/ the last decade…
It was written in (+ year/ + month- year)/ on (+ full date. Ex: on the 9th of April 2011)
It was written….years ago.
This video was broadcast/ aired/ shown on ….
Mentionnez le sujet principal (main topic)
This document (mainly) deals with…./ it is( mainly) about….
This article reports on…./ it studies…/ It analyses…/ it stresses the fact that….
The end / the beginning of the article focuses on….
The main topic which is tackled(abordé) in this article is….
In this article the reader learns about…/ we learn about…/ we are told about….
In this article the journalist describes…/ reports on…/ writes about…/ gives us information about…/ speaks about…/ lets us know about…
The journalist raises the issue of…/ the question of…/ presents.../ develops the idea that…
Voc: A(n) environmental/ sociological/ economic/ scientific/ burning (brûlant)/ controversial/ current(actuel) issue/ topic/ problem |
- To rephrase/ give further information
The journalist shows…
Analyse/ comment on/ point out (=faire remarquer)
Mention/ reveal/ suggest/ compare….with/ present
insist on/ emphasize the fact that…/ highlight/ focus our attention on/ underline
He explains (+ N(ex: the situation)/ that…/ why…./ how….
He attracts our attention to….
The sentence implies…/ it means that….
If you want to quote the text:
According to the journalist…/ as the writer puts it, ../ as shown (by the author) on line…
As we can read on line…./ in the first/second/third/fourth/ fifth…paragraph
- To make a clear and well-structured commentary:
-First/ to start with/ to begin with/ first of all…
-Then/ after that/ after comparing….
-Finally= eventually / to finish with/ to conclude..
The article can easily be divided into X parts
The events (which are) reported on/ occurred/ happened last year/ in 2014…
Pour se situer dans le document:
At the beginning of…
in the middle of…
in the first/second/third/fourth/ fifth…paragraph
towards the end of…
Pour organizer l’argumentation/ 2 points de vue…:
On the one hand…on the other hand..(d’une part…d’autre part)