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Cours de droit

Cours : Cours de droit. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  25 Novembre 2015  •  Cours  •  545 Mots (3 Pages)  •  703 Vues

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2 exams :

19 octobre midterms (30 – 40 min, QCM, true or false, short answer questions, dictée) - 9 novembre listening - 16 novembre final

Misdemeanor : downloading illegally, stealing, verbal abuse, driving under the influence (DUI), driving without a license

Felony : murder, stabbing, kidnapping, rape, stealing, fraud

Punishment misdemeanor : pay a fine or less than 12 months in jail

Punishment felony : more than 12 months in jail

M : item is less than $500 USD

F : item is more than $500 USD

You ROB a place or person (of objets)

You STEAL objects (from a place or person)




Price Minister




Membres MP




Common law is based on precedent or past law cases. Now laws are created throught the decisions made by judges.

Statutory law are those made by the governments. Governments make statue laws to meet citizens'needs and to resolve an outstanding issue that the courts reter to the government : taxes, budget, territory, the decision to go to war.

Criminal law is a system of law concerned with the punishment of offender.

A jury consist of 12 people. Only the jury can decide if a defendant is innocent or guilty.

Barrister and Solicitor = lawyers attorney

Barrister detend your client in court.

Solicitor deals with legal matters outside of court.

A Crown Court judge as 3 main roles :

1- Decide on points of law (what is evidence)

2- Instructs jury on relevant laws

3- Sums up evidence

Civil law is a system of law concerned with private relations between members of a community : divorce, nuisance, wrongful termination, contractual issues..

Community service order : clean the streets, breck stones, built train tracks

Probation : a method of dealing with young offenders guilty of minor crimes or first offenders. Those on probation are supervise by a probation officer.

Suspended sentence : is a prison sentence that is not put into immediate effect. If you commit a crime while on a suspended sentence, you will automatically go to prison.

Fines :

  • contemptory fines (less than $500) or (more than $500)
  • punitive fines, an additioned fine to further punish a criminal


A seven-year old boy. He is seven years old.

Child rebel soldiers (CRS)

It's not appropriate because i don't think joe is a victim, however the tittle suggests joe is a young criminal because his childhood is difficul.


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