Consuming, what con'sumer are you?
Cours : Consuming, what con'sumer are you?. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Aurelia1612 • 25 Juin 2017 • Cours • 932 Mots (4 Pages) • 897 Vues
A. Discover the topic: what con’sumer are you?
1. Tribes of the shopping mall :
Identify the characteristics (/ features) of each type of shopper: ( a shopper can be defined as somebody who buys things)
The Harmonizer: likes human interaction and welcoming shops (never buys onlines).
The Open-minded: does not criticize anything and has a lot of imagination. He follows his instinct.
The Traditionalist: always buy the sames products and likes clean and organize shop (well-organised shops).
The Disciplined: what matters most is quality.
The Hedonist: trendy = fashionable – follow the latest trend
The Performer: prefers buying branded clothes (/ he would rather purchase branded clothes), which he associates with quality.
The Adventurer: buys (/ purchases) things that he hadn’t planned to buy and that he does not really need.
2. Shopping Spree :
Impulse shopping : It corresponds to a sudden irrational urge to buy even if the item is not necessary. The purchase has not been planned.
Because of the crisis, many shoppers use vouchers at the supermarket to spend less money or they wait for special offers to get the best price. Consumers are often tempted to buy loss leaders and purchase more than they need. Some consumers are in the red at the end of the month. You should be less spendthrift and had better purchase bargains, or perhaps have a look around the second-hand shops. Second-hand shops are very popular, whether they are brick-and-mortar or click-and-mortar shops because the consumers prefer to buy sensibly. Teasing commercial events are getting numerous in order to prompt (/ urge) people to always buy more. The consumers are tracked on the Internet and the way they consult the websites is scrupulously analyzed. Some people consider online shopping as the perfect solution to avoid the crowds in supermarkets. Some people spend a lot of time comparing prices to control their spending. Demanding consumers are always hunting for bargains and special offers. An appealing packaging is often seen as a key factor for the success of a product, no matter its quality.
B. Behavioral targeting
1. What it consists in:
Trackers look for any type of personal information that could help to track the customer in order to trap them so that they won’t have any other choice but buy. (for example age, social status, number of visits on the site, the way they got connected to the site, any social network,…). The more efficient trackers get, the more profit they make since they reach their targets. They know which right chord to pull.
2. The consumer society at a world scale :
a) In an emerging country: China
The general trend of consumption of Chinese people: the general trend in Chinese people’s consumption seems to be away from