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The Idea Of Progress

Commentaires Composés : The Idea Of Progress. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  10 Mai 2015  •  531 Mots (3 Pages)  •  2 030 Vues

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i'm going to talk about the notion of progress :

to start with, i'd like to give a definition: progress has to do with the process of improving or developing something over a period of time, and the idea of it means that you imagine something that should supposedly be an improvement in society.

But What effect does this progress have on our society? Does it have a positive or a negative effect?

for answer, i'd like to illustrate this notion through an interesting topic, namely the scientific Progress mainly at the medical level.

my presentation will fall into 2 parts :

In a first part, I will deal with the positive aspects of progress. Then in the second part, I will speak about the negative aspects of Progress.

The progress is good for the society as it Improves comfort, en effect first at the level of medical :

-the pré-implantation genetic diagnosis:

en effect during the year, I studied a text of the CHS Globe online, that spoke of pgd. it tells the pgd is used by parent's who not only want to make their child, will not suffer from a severe discase but also to ask to select certain physical characteristic, for example, parents can choose the color of hair, eyes, down to the color of the skin. This technique represents a scientific breakthrough which is revolutionary.

Other pgd also allows the cloning. thanks to that, the doctors have greater access to parts of the body genetically identical, for the graft on persons accidented where ill.

So PGD is a technique which can cure severe illnesses and prolong the life of sick people.

Finaly, the medical progress present advantage to favour procreation

en effect , today it is possible to use a surrogate mother for have a child.

in class, we studyied a text from the guardian weekly, it tells the story of a woman, sarita,in financial difficulty and is paid by a sterile couple for become the surrogate mother of their child.

So this progress is good because couple can have a baby and the surrogate mother have money to live correctly.

the progress improve the cotidient but it also lifts new inconveniences:

To return to the cloning, even if he saves more people, this one treats the children cloned as goods,

things we use and when give up after.

In class we study a text of USA today that tells the story of Molly Nash, a little girl who was severely ill. And she was cured through bone marrow of his little brother Adam, which was designed to save her. So adam was created just for the need of his sister, it is not designed to be a person, but to be a box of organs, in which molly can use. I find it monstrous because a person is a person despite their genetic source even he is created artificially.

finaly in the choice of the characteristics of its baby it can be seen as scandalous since it raises the issue of people used as scientific objects and goes against the nature.


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