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Synthèse Invictus Film

Dissertation : Synthèse Invictus Film. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  30 Avril 2014  •  213 Mots (1 Pages)  •  1 356 Vues

The film tells the inspiring true story of how Nelson Mandela joined forces with the captain of South Africa's rugby team to help unite their country. Newly elected President Mandela knows his nation remains racially and economically divided in the wake of apartheid. Believing he can bring his people together through the universal language of sport, Mandela rallies South Africa's rugby team as they make their historic run to the 1995 Rugby World Cup Championship match.

The film Invictus deals about Nelson Mandela. The latter was jailed because he tried to be the president of the South Africa, even through he was black. When the film begins, we can see him to be liberated. Then, he becomes the president. According to the law, black people aren't segregated any more but the mentalities haven't really changed. The president meets the national rugby team, on which there are both black and white players who don't love one another because of their different color skin. Therefore, he talks with them, especially with the captain because he wants them to play together without any racism and to win the championship. At the end of the film, they do. Thus, they embody the good mentality so people do like them. Black people and white people live together in peace.


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