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Style d'affaires de vêtements décontractés

Lettre type : Style d'affaires de vêtements décontractés. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  8 Avril 2014  •  Lettre type  •  372 Mots (2 Pages)  •  601 Vues

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Ties and suits have been replaced by the new business casual dress style at many North Carolina companies. While the change has been attributed to helping break down workplace barriers and fostering creativity, it can be challenging for companies seeking to maintain a professional appearance. That challenge has placed more demands on human resource departments to define what is – and is not – allowed in the modern workplace. "The image of the person must be in touch with the image of the entire company," says the vice president of human resources with SpectraSite Communications. "Each company has a different environment and the dress codes must be customized to fit that setting."

The relaxing of office dress standards seemed to coincide with the explosion of computer companies in the 1980s. Creativity and originality were more valued among young computer designers than were three-piece suits. The founding of the dot-com companies further promoted the idea of casual dress for creative thinking. Many companies have eliminated coats, ties and suits, but reject blue jeans and T-shirts. Some started allowing casual dress on Fridays and then slowly let it creep into the rest of the work week.

Giving up formal business dress has been favourably linked with employee performance and the elimination of some barriers among various levels of employees. If people dress the same in companies, there tends to be better communication among the different ranks of employees.

A manager loosened the dress code at his company, aiming at improving business relationships with clients. "The dress codes of most of our customers have changed to a more casual style," he says. "I felt wearing a tie was actually creating barriers between us and our customers."

Most companies rely on their employees' good judgment to dress appropriately for a sales call or meeting, although human resource directors agree that sometimes, especially in the summer, employees can push business casual too far.

As more college students enter the workplace, more companies are also having to deal with the recent fad for tattoos and body piercings. Students are advised to cover tattoos and remove jewelry besides women's earrings, before going to a job interview. Conservative, professional business suits are still the correct interview attire, and female students are encouraged to wear skirts.


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