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Scotch Whisky

Documents Gratuits : Scotch Whisky. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  12 Mai 2015  •  233 Mots (1 Pages)  •  627 Vues

Scotch whisky

The origin of the word whisky

Ingredients to make a whisky

The art of making whisky ( the differents etapes)

- Malting

- Mashing

- Fermentation

- Distillation

- Maturation

Conditions to be called a scotch whisky because Scotch is a real label and all the whiskies can't be call scotch .

There are only 5 appellations for scotch whisky

single malt scotch whisky

blended malt scotch whisky

single grain scotch whisky

blended grain scotch whisky

blended scotch whisky

There are lot of variety of whisky . I'm going to speak you about this variety . I t's impossible to speak about all the varieties of scotch wisky so I will speak about the 5 many regions which make Scotch whisky .

These regions are :






Each regions has lot of distilleries , however , I would only give the characteristics of the whisky by region and not by distilleries .

Even a professional would be hard to tell you so much .
