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Problem Gambling

Commentaires Composés : Problem Gambling. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  19 Juillet 2014  •  513 Mots (3 Pages)  •  1 005 Vues

Page 1 sur 3 states that 15 million Americans have display some form of problem gambling. More than $30 billion profits are made by casinos in the United States and the average debt incurred by a male problem gambler in the U.S is $55K to $90K. Problem gambling is a form of entertainment that becomes more than recreation. It’s a problem that can affect life. Problem gambling can create issues such as domestic issues, domestic violence, crime, suicide, depression etc. According to Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, In order to be diagnosed with problem gambling, an individual must have at least five of the following symptoms:

 Preoccupation: The subject has frequent thoughts about gambling experiences, whether past, future, or fantasy.

 Tolerance: As with drug tolerance, the subject requires larger or more frequent wagers to experience the same "rush".

 Withdrawal: Restlessness or irritability associated with attempts to cease or reduce gambling.

 Escape: The subject gambles to improve mood or escape problems.

 Chasing: The subject tries to win back gambling losses with more gambling.

 Lying: The subject tries to hide the extent of his or her gambling by lying to family, friends, or therapists.

 Loss of control: The person has unsuccessfully attempted to reduce gambling.

 Illegal acts: The person has broken the law in order to obtain gambling money or recover gambling losses. This may include acts of theft, embezzlement, fraud, or forgery.

 Risked significant relationship: The person gambles despite risking or losing a relationship, job, or other significant opportunity.

 Bailout: The person turns to family, friends, or another third party for financial assistance as a result of gambling.

Problem gambler’s entourage have consequences. "Children of compulsive gamblers are often prone to suffer abuse, as well as neglect, as a result of parental problem or pathological gambling." (NORC, 1999) Children of problem gamblers have been shown to have higher levels of use for tobacco, alcohol, drug use, and overeating than do their classroom peers. (Gupta & Derevensky, 1997) According to the National Research Council (1999), studies indicate that between 25 to 50 percent of spouses of pathological gamblers have been abused. Also, case studies of 10 casino communities revealed that the majority of those communities witnessed increases in domestic violence related to the opening of casinos (National Opinion Research Center, 1999)

Having addiction to gambling can also lead to crime. “As access to money becomes more limited, gamblers often resort to crime in order to pay debts, appease bookies, maintain appearances, and garner more money to gamble.” (NRC, 1999) Studies of Gamblers Anonymous (GA) members report that approximately half of the participants had stolen to gamble and over one-third had been arrested. (Thompson, Gazel, & Rickman, 1996)

Problem gambling is often associated with increased suicidal ideation. Ten percent of clients enrolled in Oregon’s


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