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Pourquoi j'ai choisi d'analyser la chanson de Macklemore: same love (même amour)? (document en anglais)

Commentaires Composés : Pourquoi j'ai choisi d'analyser la chanson de Macklemore: same love (même amour)? (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  21 Février 2015  •  222 Mots (1 Pages)  •  2 619 Vues

Macklemore : same love

I choosed this song because of the message it give. Macklemore had two uncles gay and when he was a child he fought that he was also one because of some stereotypes like which one who say that boys who draw correctly like he did are automatically gay. So he made this song to share his opinion and give his support during the campaign for Washington Referendum 74, which, upon approval in 2012, legalized same sex marriage in Washington State.

This is a song who explain the reasons to agree about marriage equality, and speak about Christianity and the life in general.

It recalls that people have the right to disagree with the notion of gay marriage and people have the right to defend it but only if they stay polite and respectful. No discrimination or rejection should be made to them because there are people like anyone who just love by a different way.

The choirs of the song are interpreted by Mary Lambert who used her own experience itself being homosexual, she says that we can be Christian and homo cvc cxd

This song was adopted as an anthem by supporters of legalizing same sex marriage, Macklemore explained that his song was also a mind to him to come out his own frustration with hip hop’s positions on homosexuality.


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