Analyse de marché pour les entreprises (document en anglais)
Analyse sectorielle : Analyse de marché pour les entreprises (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Iky11 • 24 Novembre 2014 • Analyse sectorielle • 2 877 Mots (12 Pages) • 1 239 Vues
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Market Insights and Factsheets for Top 50 Manufacturers and
Overview of 180 Companies and 330 Production Sites
Extract from the Study
SCI Verkehr GmbH • • 2
Market Insights and Factsheets for Top 50 Manufacturers and Overview of 180 Companies and
330 Production Sites
SCI Verkehr presents the current product and service range of around 180 rolling stock
manufacturers and also offers company figures and information about the current and future
orientation of the world leaders in the manufacture of rolling stock in this MultiClient study.
Furthermore, the study shows their production sites in detail, analysed by regional distribution
and capacities.
Figure 1:Structure of the
manufacturing market for
rolling stock
“Worldwide Rolling Stock Manufacturers” analyses and explains the market along the revenues
with new rolling stock. Previously to the publication of this study, SCI Verkehr surveyed the 50
largest manufacturers of rolling stock.
In terms of sites, the production facilities of traditional rolling stock production are taken into
consideration first of all. Sites at which the maintenance and/or refurbishment of the vehicles
are performed are not taken into consideration. A site is defined as a geographical place or
location where a company or an operating facility of a company is located. For smaller
companies, the site is also generally the company headquarters.
Within the scope of this study, SCI Verkehr is mainly focusing on the top of the value creation
chain. Manufacturers of subsystems, components and assemblies are not considered.
All input data used for these assessments has been summarized in corporate fact sheets; they
have been sent to the respective market players for discussion and revaluation and can be
found in the study’s and easily used for further detailed analysis.
The English version of the study Worldwide Rolling Stock Manufacturers is available from June
2014 at the price of EUR 3,300 + VAT (PDF-version).
SCI Verkehr GmbH
Vanessa Rühmann
Tel: +49 221 9317820
Rolling Stock
Locomotives Passenger rail vehicles
Electric locomotives (E-loco)
Diesel locomotives (D-loco)
High speed trains (HST)
Electric multiple units (EMU)
Diesel multiple units (DMU)
Passenger coaches (PC)
Light rail vehicles (LRV)
Metro vehicles (metro)
Freight wagons (FW)
Extract from the Study
SCI Verkehr GmbH • • 3
1 Executive Summary .............................................................................................. 15
1.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................... 15
1.2 Development of Companies and Site Strategies ....................................................... 18
1.3 Production sites and capacities in the regions .......................................................... 23
1.4 Regional market characteristics ................................................................................. 29
2 Brief Methodology of the Study ........................................................................... 32
3 Rolling Stock Manufacturers ............................................................................... 36
3.1 Worldwide manufacturers of locomotives .................................................................. 36
3.2 Worldwide manufacturers of passenger vehicles ...................................................... 43
3.3 Worldwide manufacturers of freight wagons ............................................................. 54
4 Factsheets of the largest vehicle manufacturers ................................................ 60
4.1 Alstom Transport ........................................................................................................ 60
4.2 Altaivagon ................................................................................................................... 66
4.4 AmstedMaxion ............................................................................................................ 71
4.5 AnsaldoBreda .............................................................................................................