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Notion Espaces Et échange : Brain Drain

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Par   •  1 Avril 2015  •  429 Mots (2 Pages)  •  2 310 Vues

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Spaces and exchanges-Human capital flight/Brain drain

This notion deals with the geographical and symbolic areas that all societies occupy and the interactions between men and different societies. Our world is built on the exploration and conquest of new spaces. The different cultural, economic, sociological and language interactions have shaped and characterized our modern-day world.

Human capital flight is an Economics term equivalent to the Sociology term, brain drain, which refers to the emigration of intelligent, well-educated individuals to somewhere for better pay or conditions, causing the place they came from to lose those skilled people, or "brains." Typically, emigrating brains have learned English and have moved to the United Kingdom, the US or some other English-speaking country. An example is Albert Einstein. China and India have recently been discovered to be at the top of the list of countries with skilled students of English leaving.

There are advantages but also negative consequences of the brain drain. Therefore it is important to note that the knowledge and wealth generated is twofold, both for the country of origin and the host country, which acquires additional human capital to fill labour gaps, thus increasing economic development. The country of origin, exporting their skilled and highly educated workforce, benefit from a brain gain both in terms of the increase in the labour power they possess. Furthermore, the sending back of remittances increases economic development in the country and its standard of living.

While a brain drain is beneficial, its flaws are inherent in its title, since it usually involves the loss of human capital, that is a skilled labour force which is vital to the development of society and the country as a whole.

The brain drain benefits individuals more than society.

Another consequence of the brain drain is the existence of social marginalization, which occurs due to several reasons. For example, highly skilled laborers have been villainized by society because they may be perceived as a disruption to existing society. The migrants themselves, who have struggled to adapt to their new surroundings and way of life, may subsequently perceive themselves as living 'parallel lives.’

I can relate brain drain to the notion spaces and exchanges because it shows on the one hand the movement of people and on the other hand the exchanges of money and informations and skills. Brain drain is a consequence of globalization.

As far as I am concerned I approve brain drain until the emigrants go back to their country once they have improve their situation so that their skills can benefit to their origin country to improve the situation they left their country because of.


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