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Commentaire de texte : Miami. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  11 Mai 2014  •  Commentaire de texte  •  302 Mots (2 Pages)  •  823 Vues

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Miami is a city in the United States, financial and cultural center of international level, located southeast of the state of Florida. The population of the county seat of Miami-Dade is inhabitants1 399,457 in 2010, making Miami the second common behind Jacksonville Florida and the 44th city in the United States. City of leisure and entertainment, this is a famous seaside resort which is part of a string of famous resorts from Key West, Miami is the first of a vast agglomeration of 5,564,635 inhabitants (2010), the eighth urban center United States (after Washington and Atlanta before). Its marina is the first port of cruise ships, with a third of the world fleet.

Its is located on the Atlantic coast at the southern tip of Florida . It is warm throughout the year and usually very hot and humid during the summer months . Most tourists prefer to visit Miami between October and April. The outdoor sports and swimming there are by any season , so take your swimsuit with you and lots of light clothing. A sun hat and a good sunscreen are essential even during the winter months . In Miami, the dress is always casual with the summer, jeans and shorts during the day dresses. Some upscale restaurants require wearing jacket and tie , but most renounce .

Hundreds of thousands of Hispanic immigrants from Cuba, Puerto Rico , Central and South America have settled in Miami. Spanish is spoken almost everywhere in the city. Many signs are in English and Spanish , especially near the Latin district known locally as "Little Havana" . Cubans initially settled in the area around Calle Ocho street (Southwest Eighth Street ) there are more than 20 years . Today this area is home to colorful and hosts immigrants from all Latin American countries .


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