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McDonald's Waitress

Compte Rendu : McDonald's Waitress. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  2 Janvier 2015  •  213 Mots (1 Pages)  •  570 Vues

This document is an article extract from The Telegraph. It was published on 18th December 2012. This text deals with the story of McDonald’s waitress who was fired because she had been a little heavy-handed with chocolate. The document is composed of six parts.

In the first part, we can read Sarah Flinch thinks that her dismissal is unfair because she was blamed of stealing food. She uses several arguments to defend herself, for example “They are always imprecise and will vary among customers”.

The second part shows that she is a good employee and that was a long time she worked in this firm. Then Sarah Flinch files a clam versus her company.

Nevertheless, this story has not gone up to the Court. Sarah Flinch and McDonald’s tried to find a solution between them. So, she wins 3000£ of compensation. For the not to noises, McDonald’s with “the parties have agreed”.

To conclude, the article explains that Sarah come back to school in chemistry, physic and biology. Of course, to preserve their image, McDonald’s offers its commitment to recommend Sarah.

Unfortunately there are many unfair dismissal. Especially this dismissal is based on what somebody says and I think it is not a valid cause of accusation whereas she is qualified as an “exceptional employee”.


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