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Dissertation : Manchester. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  31 Mars 2017  •  Dissertation  •  540 Mots (3 Pages)  •  560 Vues

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Manchester in the Renewal 

Fairise Pierre, 15 février 2017

Manchester is one of the most trendy cities in the world. From the industrial zone to the contemporary metropolis, this city has reinvented itself in recent years. The character of the city is defined by a mixture combination of old and new. Everyone finds its own. Whether you are a lover of art and culture, world-class entertainment, shopping or simply passionate of football or about great bars and restaurants, this vibrant city has the potential to bring you satisfaction.

Manchester,  before…

Of Roman origin, Manchester remained for a long time a small market town and a small center of textile industries (wool, linen). The cotton industry, adopted in the eighteenth century, then flourished and Manchester was for a century and a half the cotton capital of the world,
English cotton is then sold all over the world and it is the specialized stock exchange of Manchester which is the nerve center of this trade
e. The textile industry, ruined by foreign competition, has almost disappeared today. Since 1894, Manchester has a seaport, connected to the sea by a canal with locks, which has attracted many industries (electrical constructions, pharmacy, chemistry). Manchester, was, before, a city concentrated on industrialization. 

Abandoned factories and warehouses where nature takes back its rights, in Manchester.

Manchester,  in the present.                                                        
Shaped by industry, football and music, Manchester is becoming a cultural and artistic center of England. 

        Manchester, with 530,000 inhabitants (2.55 million in its suburbs), the second largest city in England behind London, located in the north-west of the country. A city, two soccer clubs, two peoples and two colors: sky blue for City, red for United and a huge passion for the ball. And when you're born in Manchester, you have to choose your side.

        "If you are a true Mancunian from father to son, then you can only be City. The blood flowing through the veins of the people of Manchester is blue. United supporters are false Mancunians" laughs Shaun, a subscriber of the future Pep Guardiola club for over forty years, who experienced the hours of distress at Main Road and those of glory at the Etihad Stadium. But the international reputation of the former club of Eric Cantona is such that it attracts many foreigners and Englishmen coming from the four corners of the country. In Manchester, the border is real: the east of the city, where the working class is, supports City and the west of the city, more affluent, leans for United. Money is the main difference between the two groups. The base fan City has less means than that of MU and that is why, too, the club of Sergio Agüero is very involved in the community work in the city.



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