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Les Nouvelles technologies et la mondialisation (anglais).

TD : Les Nouvelles technologies et la mondialisation (anglais).. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  2 Février 2019  •  TD  •  429 Mots (2 Pages)  •  551 Vues

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NICT and globalization

The expression “new technologies” became currently used since few years. It defines a lot of new uses and new innovations that are used on plenty of domains. Today the “new technologies” took a major place on the society and we’re now talking of NICT than only “new technologies”. Those initials mean “New Information and Communication Technologies”.  It regroups all the innovations that are used for science, communication, information, and other domains.

Considering the place that the NICT are taking on our society, what are the effects that they have on it are they positive and what are the limits?

The effects of the NICT on the globalization

The NICT are useful for the country themselves, for example, the OECD showed that NICT are an important actor on the economic growth on the USA. They are improving the trade, the business. Indeed, it allow a better diffusion of the enterprise’s brand image, a new production path etc. The NICT also improve the information system, the organization of the enterprises, and they even create new work opportunities.

In concrete terms, the NICT play a major role in the development of globalization. They reduce the communication costs exponentially, they are also influencing the technical progress, and the enterprises that use the NICT have a great growth. The part of the technologies and the information is getting bigger so the NICT allow the enterprises to delocalize easily, to manage activities afar.

The limits of the NICT

For the enterprises firstly, the NICT cause incessant and evolving changes on the company’s core business. To illustrate that, the example of the paper magazines that are becoming outdated because of internet is interesting. The NICT also expose the enterprises to the concurrence, everything is shared by internet and can be copied. All the work that is done with technologies can be stolen as well, which is a pain for the enterprises. The NICT can cause a lower productivity because of the excessive redaction of mails, the extended use of internet etc. Finally, there is a risk of tenses between the employees because of the indicators of performances and profitability shared in real time.

People also feel the limits of the NICT. It has a large impact on the culture, the information are so easy to find that we can imagine that learning isn’t worth anymore. The NICT reduce the private life greatly, the access and the popularization of the social networks are the cause. Finally, the NICT destroy the frontier between professional sphere and private sphere, most of people are still working at home now.


Introduction :


I effets

II pts positifs

III limite



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