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La découverte de l'Amérique

Thèse : La découverte de l'Amérique. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  25 Février 2014  •  Thèse  •  396 Mots (2 Pages)  •  835 Vues

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Discovery of America

(when, who, consequence) Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492. He thought it was India, that's why he called the inhabitants the “Indians”.

First settlers

(when, where and where from) In 1607, the first English settlers came in Virginia to escape poverty and religious persecution.

Independent country

(when, number of states) The independence was proclaimed on the fourth of July (07/04) 1776 from the United Kingdom. There were 13 colonies which became 13 states.

Independence war

(when, why) The Independence war started in 1775 and ended in 1783, because the settlers wanted to be separate with the UK.

1st president of the USA

(who, when) The 1st president of the USA was George Washington in 1789 with the American constitution.

Gold discovery

(when, where, consequence) Gold was discovered in California in 1849 : it was the beginning of the Gold Rush.

Civil war

(when, why, consequence) The Civil war (1861-1865) opposed the Northern and Southern states because the 11 Southern states refused to abolish slavery because the slaves worked in the plantations of the South. In 1865, slavery was abolished.

“Black Thursday”

(when, what, consequence) On the 24th October 1929, NY stock market crashed in Wall Street. The consequences were poverty, unemployment, hunger and most important The Great Depression.

World War II

(dates Europe, dates USA) Europe : 1939, and USA : 1941. The Allies (USA, France, UK …) vs The Axies (Germany, Italy …) The USA dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945.

Civil Rights

(when, what, consequence) “Civil Rights” movement in 50's and 60's. The coloured people did demonstrations but non violent movement. Rosa Parks refused to leave her seat. Malcolm X and Martin L King

“Black Tuesday”

(when, what) The 1st September 2001 was a horrible day in America. There were terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in NYC : The Twin Towers collapsed after 2 planes crashed into them.

Barack Obama

(when, what) Barack Obama is the first coloured president to be elected in the USA in November 2008 and re-elected in November 2012.

States today

(number, date for last ones) There were 13 states in 1776 but now there are 50 states. Alaska and Hawai were the last to enter the USA in 1959.

American flag

(names, symbols) 13 stripes ==> 13 colonies and 50 states + 1 for the District of Columbia. That's why it's called “The stars and stripes” or 'The star spangled banner”




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