- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC

Fiche De Communication En Anglais BTS AG

Dissertations Gratuits : Fiche De Communication En Anglais BTS AG. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  28 Mars 2014  •  242 Mots (1 Pages)  •  6 820 Vues

Presentation of the situation: the situation unfolds in the counsellor’s office.

The phone rang, I awaited the three beeps and I said "Aquarel Services", bonjour". A customer asked me the news on the firms. I replied to this customers while trying to inform him at the maximum. Then, I have proposed him an information meeting that occurs on Wednesdays at 15 o’clock in our firms. The customer accepted to come right away. Then I asked his name and his telephone number. I told him to bring a résumé and a cover letter. And I finished wishing him a good day.

Place / Duration: At the assistant’s office, inside the company / about 5 minutes.

Technical and tools of communication used:

The customer asked me a lot of questions, I have therefore invited him to come to our information meeting so that he can have the answers to his questions.

I used the telephone to communicate with the customer


Actors presentation:

• Me : Management Assistant trainee

• Customer

Actors relation : Commercial relationship


The customer wanted to have any information about this firms.

For the management assistant :

• Keeping a good image of the company

• Broadcasting a piece of information

For the customer :

• Obtaining information

• be in accordance with our firms


I proposed the customer to come to the information meeting to be able to have all the necessary news.

(Relational): The customers was very satisfied with the news that I transmitted him and thanked me.

(Professional efficacy): The customers has been satisfied with the broadcasting information.


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