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Discours : Exposé COCA COLA. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  2 Mai 2017  •  Discours  •  741 Mots (3 Pages)  •  698 Vues

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The coca Cola story


Today I’m going to talk about the famous drink: “Coca Cola”. Do you know how old coca cola is? More than a hundred years! And since, this drink became famous all over the world. Indeed, tasted by a lot of people, almost everyone in the world has at least tasted it once. The advertisement very present around the product surely contributed to its considerable success.

To tell you the coca cola story, I will firstly talk about its invention, then its evolution and to finish the consequences of its success.

I) Creation of Coca Cola.

It was invented in 1886 by a pharmacist called John Pemberton, who lived in Atlanta in the South of the USA. The reason why it’s called “Coca Cola” is because it’s made with “Coca” leaves and “Cola” nuts. Pemberton was used to testing medical formulas and one afternoon, while searching for a cure to headaches, he created a perfumed liquid which colour was caramel and he put it in a three-legged container.  Pemberton then mixed the mixture with sparkling water and got it tasted by the customers of his pharmacy. They all loved it and found the new beverage delicious.

However, when Pemberton commercialized the beverage in his pharmacy as a cure for headaches, he didn’t manage to sell much of it and Coca Cola didn’t have the success Pemberton thought it would have.

He died in 1888 two years after inventing Coke. After his death, a man called Asa Candler bought the recipe for Pemberton’s medicine the price of 2330$.

II) Evolution of coca cola

In 1892, he began an advertising campaign for Coke that was a huge success. He spent twelve thousand dollars on it and it was definitely worth it because Coke has since been the most popular drink in the USA. Since that date, there have been many other campaigns for Coke. Indeed, Candler applied a real strategy and transformed a simple invention into a successful business.

In 1923, Robert Woodruff took over the Coca Cola company thanks to him the drink was known in every country, he expended the Coca Cola to the whole world. He fascinated everybody with his innovating campaigns. Examples :

  • Coke sponsored the American athletes at Amsterdam’s 1928 Olympic Games to the Olympic Games, the logo was everywhere.  

  • Then, in 1941, when the USA entered World War II, Woodruff started sending Coke (for free) to all American soldiers everywhere they went in the world, he sent a total of five billion bottles.

The advertising has always been very important for Coca Cola and still today, we see their campaigns everywhere all the time.

III) Consequences of the success of Coca Cola.

After 75 years of success with coke, the company decided to create news drinks:

  • Sprite
  •  TAB
  • Fresca
  • Orangina
  • minute maid

Those drinks all developed and eventually became famous just like Coke. “Coca Light” was created, it was the first diversification of the mark Coke, and two years after its invention Diet Coke became the first low calorie drink consumed in the world.


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