EPI 3eme Astronomie
Étude de cas : EPI 3eme Astronomie. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar BBEA • 17 Mars 2019 • Étude de cas • 626 Mots (3 Pages) • 481 Vues
EPI 3ème – ASTRONOMIE (sciences-physiques et anglais)
Our deep sky object: NGC 5189
Name (and common names): NGC 5189, also known as “Spiral Planetary Nebula”[pic 1]
Discovery: James Dunlop has discovered this planetary nebula on July 1st 1826, and catalogued it as Δ252
Constellation: Musca
Magnitude: 8.2 8.5, this magnitude is over 6 so it’s not possible to see it with a naked-eyes, amateur telescope can see it easily.
Distance: 3 000 ly
Type: Planetary Nebula
Our question: What was the Apollo’s missions for ?
The Apollo’s mission was given to the NASA by President Kennedy in 1961, the purpose of those missions was to put a crew safe and sound down on the moon and bring them back to earth. John Finnegan Kennedy wanted to prove the superiority of the United States of America against the Soviet Union, since it was the Cold War. The President wanted the missions to be done between the the years 1960 and 1970. Some of missions was to prepare the others missions which was able to get close to the moon, the most of the missions was successful. But the missions : 1, 13, 18, 19, and 20 failed, for example the 1st mission Apollo which was by the way the first one with a team into, failed because of a fire. On July 21st 1969 a mission finally did it, the mission Apollo 11, was the first to success, so did the missions Apollo’s 11, 12, 14, 15, 16 and 17. Because of a budget’s problem the three last ones were not launch into space. The missions 7, 8, 9, and 10 from the Gemini’s program was to prepare the next ones. The space shuttle that they were remaking every time it crashed was one of the biggest space rocket ever. It was called Saturn V, it weighed 6613868lb. [pic 2]