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Dissertation de littérature en anglais

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Par   •  26 Novembre 2014  •  650 Mots (3 Pages)  •  794 Vues

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Dissertation de Littérature Anglaise

The forbidden or impossible love is a love story that can not take place due to different obstacles. Throughout 3 differents works we can distinguish the differents bariers these fictional characters have sufferd. The first work is a tragedy from William Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet published in 1557. This play tells the story of two young lovers who live an impossible love due the fact that their families have each other. The second work is a novel written by Jane Austen, one of most famous one, published in 1813. Pride and Prejudice which tell the story of two person totally diferent, there love seems impossible. The principal themes of this novel are marriages, prejudice and love. Finally the last work is a novel by the American autor Nathaniel Hawtorne published in 1890: The Scarlett letter tels the story of a young women living in a puritan society. The story happens between 1642 and 1645. his young woman his forced to wear a Scarlett A (The symbol of adultery and shame) as a punishment of adultery. She doesn't want to tell the name of the man with whom she had child.

First, we notice that in each work of love at first sight seems impossible. Borders seem insurmountable for the characters. Indeed, Romeo and Juliet we can notice the hatred of the two households who obstruct their love from the plot we understand that they will suffer the rivalry between the two families. The barrier is impassable because Juliet is a Capulet and Romeo, a Montaigue. Their name is originally of conflict. Moreover in the famous balcony scene Juliet asks Romeo to change his name. We also feel that the death of two people is inevitable from the plot the lexical field of death is omnipresent. You can feel it can not fight against their fate. In the novel Jane Austen's love of the two characters is hampered by huge differences in social class, accentuated by the pressure of English society at the turn of the nineteenth century and nineteenth century who does not accept that Elizabeth Bennet is not rich and does not come from a recognized can live a love story with the rich and arrogant Mr. Darcy family. All objects from the beginning of the novel the prejudices of society: their different social status are huge obstacle that seems impossible to overcome. And in the novel of Natalie Hawthorne, Scarlet Letter shows the austere society and Hester Prynne and the impossible love and her child. Condemned by society to wear an "A" for adultery on his chest at the sight of all. She is alone to carry the burden and humiliation of the child. Understandably, she will live forever in peace.

Furthermore we can show that it is an obstacle can be an opening for a stronger, a portal to love freedom. Romeo and Juliet in their difficulties to live their love strengthens their relationship. Love is more exciting and enjoyable when it is prohibited. The love of two characters is very strong but they can not escape their fate when he dies all love to live in peace.Pride and prejudice their difference increases their curiosity about each other, they overcome the obstacles overwhelming social barriers imposed on them and exceeding their prejudices, then it makes their love stronger. In Scarlet Letter, Hester Prynne has a real love for her child despite that makes him want to fight for the honor of his child assuming the humiliation inflicted upon. Do not pronounce


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