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Dissertation: que pensez-vous être le plus important: les paroles ou la musique? (document en anglais)

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Par   •  8 Février 2013  •  355 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 543 Vues

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What do you think is more important in a song : the lyrics or the music ? explain your answer

Nowadays, songs are listening by everyone and are a good way to protest against something. Neverthless, what is more important in a song : the lyrics or the music ?

Many kind of songs exist, for example : protest songs, love songs, classical songs, dance songs... For each type of songs, the lyrics and the music have a different importance. It all depends on what you make the song for. If it is to protest, obviously the lyrics will be the major part to convey the singer's message. If it is a classical song, the melody of the song will be the most important thing that the listener will care about. If it is to declare love, the lyrics will take over, they will have to be romantic and sincere. However, if the music is loud, noisy and agressive, it won't support the declaration. Finally if it is dance song, the music will have to be catchy and danceable, more of the time the lyrics won't be considered.

Yet, the music is what makes it a song. Without the music it might be a book or a poem. But there are plenty of songs that have no lyrics at all, or lyrics that are just gibberish, or lyrics in a different language that you don't understand : like « Gangnam style » of PSY.

Also music supports the lyrics, like in the song «  Dear Mr President » of Pink, the soft melody of the beggining and the end contrast with the noisy sound of the middle where she accusses the President.

Also, most of the lyrics are made to make think, release anger, provide feelings to the listener. In « It isn't nice » Malvina Reynold uses the lyrics to make think people about the way that whites were acting towards black people. She protests against racism. Ani di Franco, in her song « Serpentine », denounces globalization, people's gullibility, the hypocrisy of politicians, also she criticizes the education systeme, the policy action, medias and advertisement to brainwash people. Lyrics are an efficient peaceful way to make people react.


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