- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC

DM D'anglais

Note de Recherches : DM D'anglais. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  4 Mars 2013  •  297 Mots (2 Pages)  •  982 Vues

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I) Poser la question sur les mots soulignés.

1) school starts at 8:00 a.m

2) she's crying because her boyfriend has gone

3) this book costs 30 pounds

4) they met yesterday in front of station

1) what has time begins the school ?

2) what she crying ?

3) how much cost this book ?

4) where they are met yesterday ?

II) mettre les phrases suivantes à la forme négative.

1) she studies english at university.

2) they must go out at 8:00

3) john has got 2 sisters

4) they bought a new car last month

1) she doesn't study english at university.

2) they should not go out at 8:00.

3) john doesn't have got 2 sisters.

4) they didn't buy a new car last month .

III) complétez avec FOR ou SINCE

1) maya has been a professional singer.....1989.

2) it has rained.....five hours.

3) i haven't been snowboarding....last winter

4) joe has been a student here....march.

5) mary has kept a diary.....she was ten years old.

6) they have been married....twenty-five years.

7) they have been car mechanics.....three years.

1) since

2) for

3) since

4) for

5) since

6) for

7) for

IV) mettre les adjectifs entre ( ) au comparatif demandé.

1) this site is ( interesting < ) the one I visited yesterday.

2) my computer is ( fast = ) yours.

3) this song is ( long > ) the others.

4) their first album was ( interesting > ) their second one.

5) their second album is ( bad > ) their first one.

6) boys are ( good > ) girls at strategy games

1) this site is less interesting than the one I visited yesterday.

2) my computer is as fast as yours.

3) this song is longer than the others.

4) their first album was more interesting than their second one.

5) their second album is worse than their


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