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Comment l'évolution de la société peut-elle influencer la structure de notre famille ? (synthèse en anglais)

Note de Recherches : Comment l'évolution de la société peut-elle influencer la structure de notre famille ? (synthèse en anglais). Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  7 Juin 2015  •  277 Mots (2 Pages)  •  895 Vues

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Idea of progress

How does the evolution of society influence the family structures?

I traditional families

On the listening comprehension four teenagers give their opinions on family and explain if they prefer big or small family. The first teenager thinks that a big family is really good because we can always play or do something with someone and you know good value like shoring. The second explain that live in a small family is great because we spend long time together but he would like to be from a big family to have always company. The third is an only child and is very happy because these parents take care and love of only him. But it’s a spoil. The last teenager is form a big family and he have lot memories with this sisters and brothers but for the parents it’s very expensive to raise a big family.

A nuclear family is a family group that consists of a father, a mother and childrens. With the text of Linda Nicholson “the nuclear American family” we look that the nuclear family is typical in United States on the past WWII. The family wanted to be conform to the ideal image of a perfect family with the parents and the pushchairs lined up.

After the great depression in 1929, several generation used to live under the same roof and sometimes even with people who didn’t belong to their family.

In the 50s economic growth and reconstruction of the American economy impact directly on the American society and the family structures.

- Higher salaries

- Several mortgages (cred. Immo.)

- Massive housing construction

- Creation of suburbia (banlieu)

 Generated a new family modal

II New family structure The 50s marque also the

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