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British Council

Rapport de stage : British Council. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  19 Avril 2016  •  Rapport de stage  •  3 686 Mots (15 Pages)  •  859 Vues

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Acknowledgements…………………………………………………………………………………………….…………… 2

Introduction...................................................................    3

  1.  Chapter one :
  1.  Presentation of British Council............................    6
  1.  Organisation and progress of the course................     7
  1.  Chapter two :
  1. Choice of the Project.......................................   10
  1. Methodology adopted and institutional support………………….   17
  1. Chapter three :
  1.  Conferences and site visits..................................  19
  1. Chapter four :
  1.  Assessment of the experience..............................  25
  1.  Contribution of the experience to the personal development..................................................   26

Conclusion.....................................................................   28

No work is really individual

I am happy to thank all people having contributed in the realization of this project; they will find here the expression of my gratitude and my sincere thanks.

  • My family: because they always offer me the better conditions to study and success.
  • HEM: because it thought about this linguistic immersion and gave us the possibility to benefit from this opportunity to study English during 6 weeks.
  • Mr. QUAMMAH: he is my supervisor; he gives us its time and help whenever we want.
  • Mrs. TARA: she was my teacher in this period, she was helpful and comprehensive, and she made a lot of efforts to improve my level.
  • The employees of British Council: they were very kind and gentle, and they help us all the time.
  • British Airways: I did my project about this company, and their employees were so helpful, they gave me all the information I needed.

It's known that English is the most important language in the world nowadays and over the past four centuries. As it is being used in all fields of life all over the world and so we can say that English is the international mean of interaction between the world. So all people work hard to learn it and get better in this global mean of communication.

And that's why many of students in Morocco did and still do by having training at the British council where they can learn English as if they are in UK.

The British Council is known in many countries as the best place in English learning through the variety of English courses and training chances the Council offers which always put it on the top and make it the first place anyone think about when learning English especially in Morocco.

This training period aimed to improve our English, develop our communication skills in presentations and reports, enrich our understanding in the way Multi-national organizations work in Morocco, and improve our experience in doing market research professionally via the projects which the British council provides.

I write this report to describe this experience so I invite you to know more about this period of my life which added a lot of knowledge to my language and life. In the first chapter, I will present the host institution “British Council “, and speak about the progress of the courses. In the second chapter, I must justify the choice of the project which I did with a small group in British council about British airways. In the third chapter, I will speak about the cultural activities e did in BC, finally, in the fourth chapter, I must answer to the following question; what does the immersion bring to me? To conclude this report, I will give some recommendations to both British council and HEM to improve this linguistic immersion in order to be better and perfect.





Presentation of British Council

When it comes to learning to speak a new language or understanding the nuances of another culture, British Council seems to be the appropriate center.

It offers an extensive range of programs based on years of teaching experience and delivered by native fluent instructors as well as through multimedia course material. This includes a process of conducting needs assessment, designing and planning the course, choosing appropriate materials and instructors, developing effective instructional methods and testing approaches.

British Council opened in Morocco in 1960 as the UK’s international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations.

It creates learning opportunities for people in Morocco through the provision of quality English language learning and examinations services. We facilitate access to reliable high quality information about British education resources, training and scholarship opportunities in the UK.

It contributes to intercultural understanding between young people in Morocco and the UK by building networks through educational and artistic links.

It brings together Moroccan and British people for their mutual benefit and greater understanding.

Organisation and progress of the course

In my case I have been assigned to a group of twenty people in the pre intermediate level. We had three hour courses per day from Monday to Friday. We had to speak English with native instructors to improve our vocabulary and to express ourselves in English as well. All courses were flexible to ensure variety and encourage motivation.

The program included:

  • Language and communication:

This course helped us to develop our skills to improve our research paper.


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