British Socialism. How does Moris see socialism? What is it for him?
Étude de cas : British Socialism. How does Moris see socialism? What is it for him?. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar GregDuGhetto • 27 Octobre 2016 • Étude de cas • 501 Mots (3 Pages) • 1 054 Vues
British socialism
How does Moris see socialism? What is it for him?
According to William Moris, Socialism is a social and economic system characterised by social ownership and/or social control of the means of production and co-operative management of the economy, as well as a political theory and movement that aims at the establishment of such a system. For him, everybody in the society needs to be equals, “neither rich not poor”, “neither master nor master’s man”, “neither idle nor overworked”. The socialism is a type of living in where “men would be living in equality of condition, and would manage their affairs unwastefully” so when you are doing somethings, it’s have to be productive to take forward the society. Also his vison of socialism is based on the solidarity and the mutual aid, he says that people have to live “with the full consciousness that harm to one would mean to harm to all.”
According to William Moris the word “Commonwealth” is the perfect word explaining what really socialism is.
What/Who inspires his view?
His vison of the socialism and of his ideal is due to people like Adam Smith and his book, An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the wealth of Nations (1776), David Ricardo and his theory on the political economy, Karl Marx or Andreas Scheu. He reads books like Principles of Political Economy of John Stuart Mill. He met people like Hyndman who created the Democratic Federation where William Morris build his inspiration and his ideal and also Bax, with whom he established the Socialist League. All his readings are the result of his conversion to socialism. However he received some of his Anarchist friends, from who he learned their intention. He was also going to the brisk course of propaganda meetings where he takes his share. We can conclude that he had a real socialism education, he started with none knowledge for later, after readings books and theories he realised to build a League where he drafted texts.
What is the goal of Morris’s socialism? What is it fighting for and against?
The aim of William Morris is to put socialism in all the society because for him, he is convince that socialism is necessary to change the society, he wants to create a solidarity society so that people care and work for other to be equals in all distinctions. He had taken his inspiration from his studies, his readings and his friend’s ideas, to base his philosophy on social economy.
He is fighting for an equal world where everybody is equals and there is no social distinction. He is looking for a bright future and wants a great change, the Social revolution, where his ideas are the centre of the society, he also beware and fight against the consummation civilization. He says that consummation society cause struggle and make the society worth.